19- The Doctor of the Strange

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Mark and I took a couple taxis to the New York sanctum and we both raised our hand to the door, right as our knuckles touched the door we teleported inside.

"Mark Parker and Y/n L/n" , a voice echoed. "Y/n, you've seen the visions I sent, yes?"
"Yes, Mr. Strange"
"It's Doctor-"
"Mister Doctor?"
"It's strange"
"Maybe... who am I to judge?"

Mark giggled lightly at my comment. Stephen otherwise didn't look to fond of my saying.

"Why have you sent me the visions?", I asked.
"I don't know, all I know is that you have become the Aranea for a reason. But that reason is unknown, even to me"
"You know I'm Aranea?"
"Yes, I know many things. But the reason is again the only thing I don't"

Mark stepped in, "what do you want from us?"
"The answers. Take a seat"

We all of a sudden teleported into these chairs in this library sort of place. The man was sitting in front of us with a hand placed on his head like he was thinking about what he would do.

"Tea?", he asked.
"Thank you", all of a sudden, tea cups were placed into our hands. I took a hesitant sip and it actually tasted pretty good.
"Who's the man in your visions?", Stephen asked.
I about spat out my tea, "agh-uhh- I don't know...I was hoping that you would know"
"Loki Odinson"
"Loki Odinson, or Laufeyson... god of Mischief and brother to Thor, god of Thunder"
"Loki is the one who attacked New York in 2012? Yes?"
"Why is he in my dreams? Why does he turn them into nightmares? What have I done to become this?"
"I do not know for sure, but I might think he's trying to use you"
"Use me?"
"He knows of your powers and the powers you don't know you have"
"I did turn invisible when I first got hit by the spider-"

"YOU CAN TURN INVISIBLE??", Mark exclaimed.
"Well- I didn't know I could. And I didn't think much of it when you were training me"
"But, Doctor Strange- what can I do to stop Loki from using me? There must be some way!"

"There might be... there is someone you can talk with that can help you with this, all I can do is show you in the right direction. He stays in a village in Norway"

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