32- "You alright, Niki?"

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(Again, writing this on iPad so sorry if spacing is a bit FuNkY 🕺)

It's been a week since Mark and I returned to school. We got all our missing work done thank God. I was at my locker getting my books for my next class when I heard Niki come up from behind me.

"Niki! Hi!", I smiled.

"Hello! It's been a while since we talked", she frowned.

"Yeah, it has. And I apologize for that, I've been busy with my Spider-stuff", I closed my locker and started to walk with her to our next class.

"No no, it's fine. I completely understand", Niki smiled innocently.

We talked about just random shit until we arrived at our class. I sat down next to Mark, looking over to see Niki sitting with this girl who looked quite lonely. Clay and George were secretly holding hands under the table which I thought was cute. Mark huffed a bit to himself, I knew something was wrong.

"What's up?", I asked, leaning forward so I was in Mark's vision.

"Nothing", he mumbled.

"Cmon, I know something is wrong" I took his hand in mine and looked him straight (gæ) I'm the eye. He couldn't keep a mad expression towards me for too long but the feeling was still inside.

" I'm just so pissed off that there was another crime 2 days ago and Mr. Stark strictly said to stay away from it. It was a normal crime but he thinks it's 'too damgerous'. We're the spiders, not spider-lings! What's the point of even being heroes if we can't even fight crime", he ranted.

"Mark, listen. We fought Doc Ock together, somewhat faced Loki. You fought the vulture even when he told you not to. You beat up some guys I'm an ATM one time. I remember seeing that in the news before Mr. Delmars sandwich shop exploded", i squeezed his hand as I saw a small smile appear on his face. "All that and you are still alive, missing one crime won't make you any less of the superhero you already are."

"Thanks, Y/n", Mark gave me a quick hug before saying a quick, "I love you"

(My pea brain can't remember if he's already said that or not. Correct me if I'm wrong, but was the note he left on the locker the first and only time he's ever said it? Idk my own book lol)

My expression went to shock. My cheeks were flushed red. But I gladly returned, "love you too". I kissed his cheek before retracting from the hug.

The teacher walked in and began teaching. Mark gave me a side eye and smirked. I rolled my eyes jokingly and continued taking notes.


"Okay but like, what if you all came around my house for a sleepover? We could hang out, yeah?", Tommy offered.

"OOOH YEAH! And we can all play Uno or some shit!", Toby exclaimed.

Mark and I laughed. As everyone was laughing and enjoying lunch, I look over and saw Niki smiling down at her food, her face was like a painter got red paint and brushed it across her cheeks and nose. 

"You alright, Nik?", I asked. Putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh! Yeah I'm fine. Just... spacing out I guess", she explained.

I knew something was up but I didn't want to invade her privacy in case it was something she wanted to keep to herself. She finally decided to eat, I guess knocking her out of her trance and snapped back to reality made her realize she had food. Mark nudged me. I looked at him.

" you wanna go to Tommy's tonight for a sleepover? It's the weekend anyway", he asked softly.

"Yeah! Of course! And im so gonna beat you at uno!", I challenged, pointing at Toby.

"OH YOURE SO ON!", he mischievously grinned.

"Now don't go around killing each other, wouldn't want a murder before a big night!", Niki smiled.

"Damn right!", Clay said.

"So who's all coming to the sleepover?", I asked.

Tommy looked at our small friend group of a table, "you, Mark, Toby, Me, Niki. And Darryl, Clay, George? You three all said maybe" the three nodded.

"If everyone can end up going, won't that cause a ruckus for how many people?", Darryl asked.

"Yeah, so about that. Just so you all know, my parents will be out working late. Though since you all are older than me, they are fine with it. We just can't break anything. So yeah!", he clapped his hands together.

"Sounds good to me", Clay said being followed by a bunch of 'yeses'.

The end of lunch bell had rung and we all said our farewells and "see you (maybe) tonight!".

Hocus Pocus My identity has lost its focus!

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