16- Your Hoodie

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Mark suggested that I should go to his house again because after what just happened. We sat on his bed snuggled up next to each other watching a movie on his laptop. Suddenly he asked me a question out of the blue, "... you are my girlfriend... right?"

I looked up at him, "of course". Mark smiled and kissed my forehead. We got up and headed to the kitchen. May was standing at the counter making sandwiches. She pointed to Mark and gestured him to go over to her.

Aunt May whispered something into Mark's ear causing him to yell in shock, "MAY!". She laughed and placed two plates with sandwiches on them on the table. Mark sat next to me and we started eating.

"Y/n, you should get a hoodie or something! It's freezing!", May said. And she was right because I was wearing a T-shirt.
"She can where mine, it's super comfortable", Mark suggested. I blushed to the thought of me wearing his hoodie (Ik we've worn his hoodie before, but they just are still not used to it). Mark ran to his room and ran back out with a blue hoodie with our school logo on it. I slipped it on and he was right, it was super comfortable. I looked up at Mark as I wore his oversized hoodie, the sleeves went farther then my arms. His full face was red as he saw me in his hoodie. After we finished eating, Mark and I headed back to his room.

"Do you wanna uhh- spend the night? There's some boxes on the top bunk but I can clear them", Mark rubbed the back of his neck.
"Uh... sure. Wait-", I grabbed ahold of his hand.
"Can I uh- sleep with you tonight?", Mark seemed to blush by that question.
"Uhh.. y-yeah! O-of course!"

We crawled into bed and fell asleep while watching his favorite movie this time.

(Yo my chapters are getting shorter and shorter by the day)

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