7- Training

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Hey, I'm going to be busy today. We'll
have to hang out tomorrow.

Yeah I have plans too, I'll see
you tomorrow
Read 4:26 PM

I slipped on my spider-suit and climbed up to the building that Spidey told me to meet me at. I waited and waited but nothing, I eventually saw a little black and white blob soon land next to me.

"Ready for you first day at training?", SpiderBoo smirked.
"Hell yeah, when do I get my web shooters?"
"Ah ah ah! You get them when you're ready too, for now you get the training ones and maybe when I think you're ready, you'll get your very own!"
"So what do we do now?"

He did a back flip off the building, I quickly dashed over to see if he was still falling, but he was just standing on the side of the building. I sighed in relief.

"What? Were you worried for me?", he smirked once more.
"My god you smirk a lot"
"How can you tell, I'm wearing a mask"
"Your suit's eyes gives it away"
"Ha! Well let's get sticky!"
"Excuse me-", before I could finish whatever I was going to say, he already was climbing down the building.

"Don't worry! If you fall I'll catch you!", Spidey called.

I hesitated for a bit before stepping my foot on the glass and walking down the side of the building. I began to stumble a bit but I made it down to SpiderBoo.

"There you go! You're amazing!", he smiled.
"Thanks, now how about webs?"
"Not yet, we still have to test your relaxation during a battle!"
"Relaxation before I'm about to die? Great!"

SpiderBoo swung his fist at me with no warning and punched me in the face. I caught myself on the glass before I could fall down to my death.

"Let's fight! This is part of relaxation! You need your web shooters for this but we will learning swinging tomorrow!"
"Ow- erm- I mean- okay"

He passed me the web shooters and I put them in my wrists and I tightened them to the perfect fit. As soon as I looked at them in satisfaction, SpiderBoo went for another punch. This time I caught his lunch in my hand.

"WOW! Very good! I'm proud!", he laughed.
"Will you just shut up so I can kick your ass?"

We fought and fought, I used my webs for some advantages, sometimes even trapping him under them so I can punch him. I learned very fast and was a skilled fighter, but I still need a lot more to learn.


SpiderBoo snapped his nose back into place after I had broken it.

"You did very well for your first day! Be back tomorrow, same time after school hours and we will meet at the bridge!"
"Oh, actually- I have plans for tomorrow"
"Oh yeah... I do too, I completely forgot- I'll see you the day after then?"
"Alright! Cya Ranboo!"
"Yeah! I was thinking of nicknames I could call you during training"
"Nah, I like it! Ranboo has a ring to it! I'll see ya around. Peace out!", he saluted and then free fell before catching himself and swinging away.

Arachnophobia // Ranboo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now