4-The Amazing SpiderBoo

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"Tsk, I can't. Im busy after school", I said, I had another date with SpiderBoo. I don't know how we started hanging out but we did!
"That's okay, maybe some other time. Good luck at homecoming!", Niki smiled.

'Homecoming? Shit! ITS MY FIRST WEEK AND I ALREADY HAVE HOMECOMING COMING UP? I DON'T EVEN HAVE A DATE!' I started to lightly panic, this was not good.


"Yo! BOO!", I called out in the alley way.
"I'm here!", SpiderBoo hung upside down behind me. "How are you doing, miss?"
"You know you don't have to call me 'miss', right?"
"I know, but I like calling you that. It's less weird calling you 'babe' or 'm'lady'"
"What's wrong with m'lady?"
"I'd be pulling an Adrien Agreste", I could tell he had an annoyed look under his mask.
"The fact that you know who he is, pfft"
"Shut up", he punched me in the arm lightly.

I laughed with him a bit until he grabbed my waist and swung to the top of a building with a flat roof. We hung our feet over the edge and hung out the whole time.

"And yeah, that's the story of my life I guess", Spidey laughed. "What about you? Do you have a life story? Or someone in your life?"
"No... well kinda? I don't know..."

SpiderBoo hummed in response.

"His name is Mark", I admitted. His eyes went wide. "He's just... I've only known him for 2 days but it feels like I've known him for my whole life and that he's always been there for me. He comforts me when I'm stressed or have anxiety. And he always texts me to make sure I'm doing alright"

"Wow... he seems like a great guy"
"Yeah, he is", I chuckled lightly.
"Do you like him? I know it's not my place to say that but, do you? Do you think he's the one?"
"I'm not sure, I think it's too soon for me to think that"

"Wow, it's already sunset! I should get going. Bye, Spidey", I broke the moment of silence.
"I'll swing you down, it was nice handing out with you. I'll see you around"

We landed by my apartment and he saluted before swinging off into the dark city.


I opened my phone to see a text from the one and only.


Are you okay? Just checking up on you
and making sure you're doing alright.

Yeah, I'm fine

I can tell something is wrong, FT RIGHT

Before I could even type I got a FaceTime request. Of course I accepted it. Mark seemed to have the messiest hair and a few scratches along his cheeks.

"And you're asking if I'm okay", I chuckled.
"Yeah, I got in uh... a bit of a ruckus", he smiled.
"I can tell"

Mark and I laughed a bit and we got stuck in a moment of silence, staring at each other for quite some time.

"So do you want to hang out sometime?", Mark asked suddenly. "Maybe a movie marathon?"
"Sure! I'd love that!"
"Great! I'll uh... see you then"
"Wait, before you hang up. Can we be on call a bit longer? Just until I fall asleep?"
"Sure, anything for you"

I fell asleep with a slight smile on my face after an hour of being on a call with Mark.

Arachnophobia // Ranboo x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang