realization Part 2

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I dont know my parents I was growing up there I left monastery when I was 15, and I promised to myself Im never coming back but guess what I did- Lilith is my mother figure she raised me up and I think she still is, she taugh me how to use my powers to help or how to kill someobody. Lilith was protecting me from the world until my 14, then Khalida first appeared and was calling me on her side, I said „no" obviously, but maybe Jax would still be alive... this thought hurt me because I knew he died because of me. When Jax died I felt that I was standing up over his dead body and I didnt feel his dynamic and energetic heart...Lilith is saying: „Death isnt the end, its just the beginning of something new." And she is right it is end for me but not for the whole world. The monastery always seemed beautiful to me, it was huge and it had beutiful green gardens, he looked like fairy tale but were not in a fairy tale. I came in front of the door and nervously squeezed the door handle in my hand. I opened the door and I come in one part of me tells me it looks beautiful here and the other one hates it. I raised my head and Lilith stood on steps, she knew Im coming.


Everyone was nervous. I was nervous. I was afraid Raven would do something stupid. „Im going after Athena." Said Nadia leaving the tent , but I stopted her. „Who si Athena?" I tried to stand up Alya helped me and looked at Nadia as if she wanted to indicate something to her. „He doesnt know." She talked through her theeth. „I dont know what?" „Nadia yore gonna tell him? Or should I?" They looked at each other, I dont have idea whats going on. Nadia took a really deep breath and started: „Athena is my girlfriend." Oh, I see she didnt want to tell us, but Alya knows about her, so Raven does? „If I may ask how long its been?" „Half year." She smiled at me weakly, limping I came closer. „Does raven knows about her?" „No, I think it would bother her." Raven is acting sometimes like a monster but this wouldnt bother her. „Trust me Raven is fruity too, and they would be friends." Alya and Nadia smiled at me Nadia was looking more confident. But then it happened I fell down, I hurt my head. I woke up after a long while there was a new girl she was pretty no she was beautiful, she showed me her white theeth, her hair was in along braid. I started notice when she introduce her self to me: „He is alive. Hi Im Athena,"she had a perfect voice. „I heard about you Alexander. Are you okay?" She was worried about me, I was just looking at her. „Uh...yeah, yea I heard about you too from Nadia. We were talking... Nadia told us who you are,until I dropped out." They fit in with each other, everybody in the room was looking happy Alya was smiling, Nadia was hugging with Athena and Iam worried about Raven, Im not afraid something happen to her, Im afraid she will make trouble


We sat in my former room and she offerd me tea. „Raven I have a some bad news." And I knew something was going on. I stayed quiet. „Our...Majesty she is...dead." Her voice broke, and I was in a big shock. I never had a chance to met her but I know Lilith cared about her Eloise Kaveah-she was one of the three blood manipulators that could control eachother and now is gone . I hugged Lillith she was crying but then she told me something that started whistling in my ears. „She did it..." „How?" „We dont know no one knows." I felt that anger growing inside me, I think I wont keep it any longer. I clenched my hands into a trap. I said goodbye to Lilith and I went after the other. When I arrived I stood in front of the tent and suppressed the anger in me but the harder I tried the stronger it was. The I realized there is a new heart. It was calm but energetic, I entered the tent everybody was looking at me. I wasnt in the best mood for parties or this bullshits, I just wanted to lie down in my bed and think about what was going on. „Hi Raven," new girl greeted me. „my name is Athena. And Iam"- „I know." I said irritably. Nadia came to me and Athena: „So you knew that allong?" Yes I knew it, her heart told me half year ago, and today I recognize it on Athenas heart. I didnt say anything. „You know what Reyes?" she called me by my last name. „No." „This is why are people scared of you, because they dont know if you are lying or no." No please not now not today. I wont let myself punch Nadia I really like her, but Im out of the control. „Nadia and what I was supposed tell you huh? This is just one of my secrets. And I knew youre gonna tell us one day." „Enough!" Alexander stoped us I was so grateful to him for the first time I guess. „He is right... I have something to tell you"- „What did you do­?"Alexander asked, and I chuckled little bit. „ I didnt do anything. But Khalida she killed the Majesty her Majesty." They gasped, „How?" Alya asked with tears in her eyes. „No one knows Lilith was broken." I said deeply. „This is the top!" Said Aleander angry, yeah I know bot what Iam suppose to do go after her? Fight with her? No, Im not strong enough. „Who is the next Majesty? Lilith?" „No Lilth is older than eighteen and she cant control other blood manipulators." „Raven..." Alexander got up. „You are the next Majesty." I sat down. I didnt realize it, anger darkenes my brain...

-part two tommorow is gonna be next sorry for mistakes good night

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