job Part 26

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I slept I don't know how but I did. I am little bit mad at Alya bacuse she thinks Dalya is bad person. She is rich and has too much money but I think she love sme. But why she is so rich? I left bathroom and Alya just stood here. In the kitchen are Nadia and Nesryn. „Did you sleep well?"He asked. I don't know how I slept but I'm feeling better. I didn't answer. „Where are you going?" Nadia asked while I try to find my knives. „You know where I'm going." I look at her. She smiles evily. „I have to go." I don't wait for their response I just left. When I was leaving I heard hearts. I got scared and ready for everything but gorillas came out of nowhere. „Your mom is waiting for you." The boss with glasses told me. „I know." I hate them I don't know why. „Why you have glasses?" I ask him while we are going to the river. This question is on my mind, he has glasses all the time even it's dark. The boss turns to me I stopped walking. He didn't say anything we just stare at eachother. We didn't say a word. Maybe I said something bad, maybe bosses are supposed to have glasses. We are in front the ship. The big doors on it start opening. We go inside and stand in front the doors where is Dalya. T hone of the gorillas points on the door. „Go. She is waiting." He doesn't sound old as them and is younger. He must be in my age. I go inside and see Dalya. She doesn't sit on her chair and as always drinks whiskey.


Raven left and we have been sitting in the kitchen. Alya comes to us. „Alexander?" Nesryn asked. „He is coming." She said sadly and we look at eachother. „What's wrong?" I asked her. She is looking sad something happened. „What Raven did to you?" I resume. She smiles and starts speaking. „I don't know. I just...can we trust her?" She asked and trying to find the answer in my eyes. „I was aking the same thing." Alexander came. „Good morning." He greets us for first time. „Hi." Alya greets him to with smile on her face. She is pretending that everything is great but it's not. „Where is Raven?" He asked. „She left." I answered to him. „How are you?" „Alive." „No. I want normal answer." I tell him. He always tells me this. „Better." He said smiling. „What are we going to do?" Nesryn askeda and we look at him. „Training?" Alya gives us an idea. „Oh, God." Alexander sighed sarcasticly. „What?" She asked him angrily. I just listen to them. „Training now?" He raised eybrows. „And?" „I just...-„You must have a problem as always?" She asked him and he doesn't now what to say. „No." He told madly. „Look we can just rest." I told them.


Alexander has problem as always. I wanted scream at him but Nadia is here so I stayed quiet. I like the idea about rest but we should do something. What Raven is doing? I hope she is fine. „Iam going outside." Alexander said. „We should go. It's pretty." Nadia said and started following him. Nesryn stands up. „I join later." Nadia looks at me suprisingly but didn't say anything. They left. I don't feel to go with them. I have work. The books in monastery are strange and intersting. There are a lot of things we don't know. I go to upstairs and library. The first book I see is again in different language I'll show it to Raven later. I think it's Japnese. I open the book and everything here is in diffrent language as a cover. I won't read that but Raven will .Somebody runs to upstairs I left the library. „What happened?" I asked. It's Alexander he is breathing heavily. „Nadia she dropped out." „C'mon!" I push him away. We run to her and saw her. She lies on the ground. „Nadia! Nadia!" I yeel at her but she doesn't answer. I kneel to her. „Nesryn, Alexander take her." I told them without clue what's happened to her. They look at me. „You heard me!" 


Alya shouts at us. We did what she said. „Here get her here!" She points at the couch. „Iam going for a water." Nesryn told us scaredly. I found a blanket and gave it to her. „How?" Alya wantsto know. Truly I don't know it was second. „I don't know. She just said she has headache and you know..." This was last thing what she told us. „She was talking about headache a while ago." Alya is right. I remember how Nadia told Raven. „She will be fine." I told her because how she is worrying about her. I come to her and hug her. „Promise?" She asks. I smiled. „Promise." „How long it has been when Raven left?" I want to know becaue I was sleeping. She looks at clock. „Three hours."  


„So the work you have for me?" I ask her while she is drinking her whiskey. „Good morning you too. Here." She grabs some papers and gives it to me. „Look at them carefuly." These papers are photos and informations about some girl. „Am I suppose to kill her?" This is only thing I can think about. „No, no, no." She laughs. „You are supposed to bring her." I am suppose what? „Why?"She turns her back to me. „Think about it. Why I wanted you?" The reason why she found was because I'm blood manipulator? So I have two choices she is diffrent or she is like me. „She is blood mainupulator." I said deeply. „Correct." She smiles evily. „But why you want her?" Maybe this is the job what she is doing. She is selling people-creatures. Or worse killing them. „This isn't your charge!" She turns to me. „I don't care what you are doing with people but Iam protecting people a sme. So I think it's my charge. And if you won't tell me say bye to the gir!" Her hearts is really fast. She sighed and starts...

-sorry i didnt post yesterday- internet problems but here we are part 26. good night.

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