game Part 38

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I still thought it was bad nigtmare and when I woke up I'm going to be in my bed. Until this moment. I woke up in white room and I saw Nadia lying near to me. I look around and see Alya and Nesryn. I have arms behind my back so it's gonna nbe hard to get up. I try it and get down. Three times and finally I made it. „Nadia. Alya. Wake up. Nesryn." I whisper to them. I can't see Raven and it makes me scared. Where is she? Where are we? Alya is waking up. I come to her and stand. Save her. I thought you are dead. We will. I don't wanna talk with you I have important things. Important than save your friends? Last time we did it and it was great. They were scared of me. You are more than them. This sounde so evil. Sometimes I'm asking how Raven feels whn everyone is scared. How she accepts herself. She made it years ago. And now is living as the blood manipulator. „Where are we?"Alya asks me. „I would like to know too." She tries to get up. And Nadia wakes up too. „Are you okay?" I ask them. „Fine." Nadia answers madly. Alya is trying to wake Nesryn. He isn't dead just sleeping. „Hello players. Welcome here." The voice somewhere in the room tells us. It sounds as microphone. Woman's speaking to us. Nesryn is on his legs. I see the fear on their faces.


We haven't even swam. We can't be alone because everyone is following us. That woman in the microphone scares me. „I'm the one who controls it. And you are players. Let's play a game." We are here for playing some stupid games? They could kill me and I would be thankful. Where is Raven? I look around the room. I hope she's fine. „What game?" Alexander asks looking at ceiling. She laughs. „The girl will tell you." Raven. „We know who or what you are." Now she sounds angry. What they want to do with Raven? I have too many questions. Alexander stays quiet. He is worried. He loves her but she is blind. Same as Nesryn and Alya but both are blind. Athena love dme and I screwed up. Love is really hard thing. I shouldn't be thinking about love but about our lives. „What are we going to do?" Nesryn asks. Alexander looks at me for help and I don't know what to say. „Waiting." He asnwers quietly. Alya began to pace the room nervously. It makes me more nervous. „Could you stop?" I ask her without interest. „No." I look at her. „Stop." She stopped and I smile at her weakly. I tried to show her my thankful. She comes closer to me. „We are going to die." She whispers and points finger at me. „How many times have you said it?" I ask. She said it too many times I can't even count it. I should count it.


„Many." I answer her and notice big door. Is made from iron and is safe. It suprised me when it start opening slowly. I wasn't expecting it. „Play." The woman said. We look at eachother. We haven't moved. „I hope it isn't trap." Nadia whispers. „We should try." I tell them and start go. I leave room and see white corridor. Everything is white it looks lke we are in a hospital or dead. The corridor is really long at the end is another door. Alexander comes after me. I see how nervous he is. Raven isn't here and he's thinking the worst. I have hope beacuse it's Raven. I go behind Alexander and he starts go carefuly and slowly. We don't know what to expect. „What are we suppose to play?" Nadia asks from behind. Nesryn gives my look and I see the fear in his face. „I thin it has something to do with Raven." Alexander asks coldly. I still don't know why are we here. We they've chosen us. For game? I don't think so...they want something more than a game. „They took knives." Nadia said looking for them. We know how she loves them. „You will have them back." Alexander stopped and we too. „But at first we have to figure out what's going on." Nadia looks at him madly. Almost there. Another door from iron. Same like in the room. „What is behind it?" Alexander asks. He opens it. Another white long corridor. At the end of it is standing Raven. „This isn't Raven..." I tell them looking at her how she breaths heavily.


I tried fought with the voice it my voice but it was stronger. Finally I found them. They are looking at me with fear. How I love these looks. I have to kill all of them. And I'm going to enjoy it. They still stand and look. Alexander starts coming closer. Alya warns him that this isn't me but he haven't listen. „Don't do this." He knows I want to kill him. I don't say anything just stare at him with the death stare. „Don't kill me." I'm not going to kill you yet. I want to enjoy it. „Give me reason why not?" I ask him and he looks like he is in shock. „We are friends." It doesn't matter to me if you are my friend or family. I smile at him evily. I raised my hands and he started run. He screams at other and I'm after him. Maybe he's faster but I'm stronger. I use my powers and make pain in his leg. He catches his leg but doesn't stop running. He falls. Nadia turns to me and runs after Alexander. „Raven stop!" She screams at me. I raised my hands and threw her. They scream at me. „This isn't you." Alexander whispers while I'm still making pain not just in his leg everywhere. Alya comes to me. She tries to stop me so I start chocking her. „Raven enough!" Alexander screams at me. Soemthing inside me wants to listen him. One hand I hurt Alexander more and more and the other I'm going to kill Alya. I feel something cold at the back of the head. I turn slowly and Nesryn points gun at me. I've forgotten about him. „Boo." He says and hit sme with the gun. I fall down and it was dar again...

-another part. i like this. i wrote it different because raven has mess and this isnt her thoughs. good night

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