Part 33

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„I'm sorry." She tells me and tries to not cry. I'm just looking at her. People think I don't have feelings. Ofcourse I do. I just know how to hide them one of things I was trained for are feelings. I can't be emotional beacuse horrible things could happen. I know how to use my powers very well and emotions are bad things for me. „Will we ever meet?" I hear the sadness in my voice. „Promise. Goodbye Raven." She wawes to me and I wawe back. I stand there and just looking how she leaves.I think this was for the first time when she's acted like a mom. I've never had a choice meet my mom until now. No one of us. One of things I want to fulfill is Alexander's meeting with his family. Alya's parents are dead she told us, Nadia's parents are probably in another country but I will try. I go inside trying to look as always-without interest, mad and tired. Hear voices upstairs so I follow them. I stand at the door and just watching them. The new guest is awake. Nadia stands over him with knife in her hand and points at him. She notices me. „Another mission?" She asks me and sounds angry. I don't answer her, just come closer. „You have to hear this." Alexander says to me and goes to the guest. „Speak!" He yells at him. I'm just quiet and listen to them. „My name is Matvey." He stops and took a breath. He is Russian and scared. Longer while ago he's acted as a boss. I nortice they cleaned the bodies.


I don't know if Raven goes on another mission or something more important has happened. She stands next to me and listens what guest said five minutes ago. „I was told there is the most dangerous and powerful thing on the world. They called it unique. It's the oldest weapon and magic on the world." I look at Nesryn I think he's freaking inside. I should go and say something like: We found out. Don't worry everything is going to be okay. But I don't think so. This is war beetwen two dangeorous people- Raven and Khalida. We're in the war too but we aren't important. As always the world is going around Raven. I'm not jelous I'm just mad beacuse she never cares about us. „Who told you?" Raven asks him looking at him deadly. „I have never seen them but I just know...they are called The Herd." He says with fear in his voice I thought it's going to be hard. The Herd? Interesting. They must be wizards or another creature like that. „Fine. And what kind of power is that?" Raven stays silent. Alexander is asking. „I don't know but it's very powerful." I like his Russian accent. In his voice is fear. I thought he is the boss but he's just doing his job. „And the others men?" I ask and turn around to find them. „They had to protect me." So they're just gorillas.I don't say nothing just turn around and left to my room.


I feel really bad energy. I'm scared and curious at the same time. Nesryn is freaking out I can see it. He's bitting lips and thinking. Nadia left to her room. I think. „Stay." Raven points at Matvey and follows Nadia. We don't say nothing Alexander just look at me. „What do you think? Why Dalya was there?" He asks. I know he doesn't like Dalya. I don't like her too. „I don't know. Maybe Raven will tell you later." I smile at him. He stays in shock and I follow Raven. I come to room and they've already argumenting. „And what about Dalya? Another mission?!" Nadia screams at Raven and walks. Raven stands. She come closer to Nadia. She wants to whispers her something. Nadia pushes her off. „She left!" Raven points somewhere at the window. It means she's already gone. So everyvone was curious about this. But why is Nadia pissed? „As everyone." She whispers to herself. I'm suprised how calm Raven is. „At least I've met my mom." Raven tells her with a dangerous smile at her face. Nadia is coming to her as she wants fight. I come between them. „Don't you dare!" I scream at her. Maybe Raven took it too far. At this moment she reminded me Khalida. Sometimes she does. Alexander comes to room. „What's going on?" He asks looking at us. „Nothing." Raven answers him deeply.


They were argumenting so I ran to them. „Alya. Nesryn calls you." We know they like eachother. I saw happiness on her face. Nesryn didn't tell my why he calls her. But I'm sure he doesn't want to tell her feelings. As me. I haven't been thinking about it but it isn't time. Not yet. „Leave." Nadia words us and it suprises me. Raven lookes as she wantes tells her but rather stays quiet. Nadia slammed the door and we stay stand before her door. „What happened?" I ask her again because I want to know. She won't tell me but I can try. „Argument." She answers easily. „What are we going to do with Matvey?" She asks. I was thinking too but didn't find a good answer. „Let him go? Kill him?" I tried to kill him last time. „I think we need him. But kill him would be easier." I look at her and she understand I'm saying no. She thinks and I too. Not really. I'm just watching and enjoying every second with her.We don't know what is waiting for us tomorrow. We can eadily die and no one would know. This is hearbreaking think but what if my whole family have died and I don't even know about it. Something inside me tells me they're alive but I can't trust to my own mind. „I can lower his pulse and we'll see what next." She trie sme give and idea. I nooded. She isn't walking that heavily as few days ago. Maybe she finds out how to heal. There's an idea that scares me. What if Raven becomes unstoppable? And we won't stop her? And if I'll become something that I'm not and don't wanna be? I will fight for us, my family and till my last breath.

-hi. i havent posted a long time. i saw mistake theyre horrible but im going to work on them. i dont know if im going to post tomorrow but on thursday i wont post for sure.

bloody demonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon