feeling alive Part 5

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I stil dont believe she is here, she hasnt changed since last meeting, she was still...the same , she was evil. Sometimes I see in her Raven, they have a great anger in them, Raven tries to suppress it, but she cant and Khalida she can because she is killing people an it helps to her. Me and Alexander were further away from them, I heard a shot we looked in the direction which he came. „Raven!" Alexander shouted on her, he shot her in the thigh. I think the man, who shot her was the shapeshifter but Im not sure. We were just standing there looking at Raven, she staggerd and grabbed the thigh. Alya stood there with her weapon in her hands, just staring with her mouth open. „She needs our help." „No Alya, this is her fight." Alexander was right we cant help her, I reallywant to help her but I cant, we cant beacuse its her ravenge. Khalida started beating her again...


Truly I had enough but its karma, I got bullet in my thigh, it is a pain. I couldnt cure it because Khalide started beating me again. She was holding my head, the anger in me hid. „Why?" „Why what?" She said mischvievously, she is playing dumb. „Why you killed her? Why you killed Majesty?" I shouted, she hit me, anger in me was coming back. „She knew too much and was in my way, like you." „Like me? Like Jax?" This question suprised her. She laughed: „Jax and Majesty are dead but youre still here." I dint say anything, I gathered all my strengh and drew my knives, we were just looking at eachother. Then she started talking: „You know what Raven?" „No." „You are playing my game." She said with that smile, in my ears started whistling again and anger surfaced. „Yeah I now." I said with evil smile on my face, and I stabbed her in the stomach. She gasped and I got up slowly. „You!" She said with anger in her voice. „Me?" I smiled, I dont know but I felt alive again... She went after Lucian they dissapeard, Runen was still on the ground. Alya ran after me, she hugged me. It suprised me but I hugged her too...


„Im okay, really." Raven said, distressed. I ignored it I was doing my work.We were sitting on the couch and I applied cold compresses to her. Alexander sat at the table, looking at us motionless. „Where is Runan?" Raven asked, I was listening. „Nadia binds him." I never was speaking enough, because I was the youngest id ont so the wouldve judge me but Id rather listen. Nadia came: „He is ready." I dint know for what but Raven too. „Ready for what?" „Ready to be heard, give him some rest then we start." Said Alexander he left, he was nervous I think he was scared for Raven. „Thank you Alya, Im going to heal the bullet and then Im going to monastery to check on Lilith." She stand up. „You arent going anywhere."Nadia stopped her. „Why?" „Because you should stay there and rest." „No.Im going and you wont stop me." „I said no and"- „Girls! Enough, Nadia if she wants go let her." „Thank you Alya." Raven said madly, and Nadial gave me the death stare. „You dont understant? This could be a trap, what if Khalida wants you there?" „Then we are going with her." I said and I got another, better death stare from Raven, she was mad. „What? Definetly no! Im going alone." „Raven let us"- „I said no!" She said and left to heal herself- bullet bacause face and what Khalida did she cant. She came after a while, she took a breath. „Do you really want to go with me?" Maybe she isnt a really monster at all, mazybe she still has feelings. „Yes, it would be cool." I said, i was happy to see the monastery. I was thinking if this is for Nadia first time too, but I didnt ask. „Fine we are leaving." Raven said to us, I took gun, and Nadia daggers. We left...


I wasn really happy they are coming with me they just want to protect me, so I let them. We were leaving but Alexander stopped us: „Wait! Im going with you." Alya smiled she was exited. „Fine." I said and we went,a while there was a pure silence. „What it looks like there?" Alexander asked he was exited too and it makes me mad. „You will see." „Cmon Raven tell me." „You are acting like a child you know?" „Yeah everybody told me this." I didnt say anything. „I think its pretty Alex." Said Alya and I raised my eyebrows. I turned to her: „Alex?" „Its friendly."She said, Nadia was quiet, she was thinking maybe about Athena, I have to admit that girl is looking fine, she is happy with Nadia.We were quiet I got scared if Khalida came to Lilith, I think everything is okay- Alya was one person that I care about. „We are almost there... Nadia?" she raised her head. „Is everything okay?" „Yeah Iam still in shock from yesterday." I understant her, she knew Jax, Alya and Alexander too but the didnt know him like Nadia they were bestfriends, Jax saved her she saved him. She was scared of Khalida and worried about me. „You dont have to be scared Nadia," Alexander started. „she isnt coming back and yes we beat her." He was smiling at her, she too. But whatt if this time we wont beat her? What if she will be next Majesty? I banished these thoughs, because I hoped she wont. „We are finally here." I declared, everybody was looking around. „It looks like a fairy tale here." „But we arent in fairy tale Alya." Nadia is reading my mind. I opened the door, Lilith was there ĺike always. „Welcome to the place where I was raised." „Hi Raven you arent alone, could you meet us?" „Yeah sure I forgot: Alexander, Nadia and Alya-Lilith." I was pointng at them, they were waving. Then Lilith noticed my face: „What happened to your face. You were fighting again?" She was moving with my head. „No I...yes I was Khalida came." She gasped. „When?" „Yesterday." Alexander added, his voice was cold and deep. She was looking scared and I hate it. „Come with me." We went after her to upstairs. „Where are we going?" Nadia aske din whisper. „To the main room."with kids we were playing hide and seek, this was one of my favourite place, in main room were meetings with, which Lilith had with had with another rules. We came there we sat on wooden chairs that were at a long table. Lilith came with her famous tea, she sat and started speaking...

-HI. I hope you like this one and again sorry for mistakes

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