Untitled Part 25

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She comes closer and starts speaking. „I was dealing...with a lot." She told me. „With what?" I sit. She takes a deep breath. „I left you because...they made me. I didn't know what to do. I tried to connect with you but I failed." I just stare at her in a shock. Who made her? Lilith? „You wanted us?" I asked this is one of the things I wanted to ask. I want the answer. „Ofcourse we did." She is talking probably about the man who si my father. „We?" She smiled. „Me and your father." „Who si my father." She sits, not on her chair. „The bad mad. I don't know where he is alive, but you look like him." I frown. „Don't say that." It makes me mad. I look like a man I don't know. „Why he is bad?" „He did so many bad things. One of them is he left you because one of my chlidren wasn't by his expectations." The man left us because of me, because I'm not normal. I din't say anything. She stands up and comes to me. „You should go and sleep. I have work for you in the moorning." I don't think Iam going to sleep. „Work?" She nooded. Then she's called her gorillas to get me home. We started leaving the ship but I don't want to go with them. „You don't have to go with me." I try to explain to them. The boss still with sunglasses look at them. „Your mother wants us to get you home." „But she isn't here." I smiled at him. He didn't say anything just stares at me. „Iam sorry but we have to."Come on. „Go to sleep, Don't go after me." I said to him and started leaving. Iam suprised they really don't go after me. I can say one of them was asking: „What are we going to do?" He sounded young, nobody answered. I don't know how to feel this meeting was- weird, sad, happy at the same moment. She tried to find us but they didn't let her. Blood manipulators didn't let her! And they never told me about her or my father. They never told it to Jax. He never told me we have mom. I stand in front the monastery thinking about my family. I shoudn't. I went inside quietly finding hearts. Everybody is sleeping. It reminds me Alexander said his arms hurt and wants mine help. I went to upstairs everywhere is dark. I go to his room, he is sleeping like a kid. I stand over him.  


„Show me your arms." She told me. I sat on my bed sleepy. „How was meeting?" I ask when she starts looking my arms like she is finding something. „Fine." She answers. Still looking at my arms. „What's wrong with them?" She looks at me. „They hurt me all the day and now." I told her truth. I don't have clue what's wrong with them I don't think Raven knows either. „How long have you been with her?" I think she was a long time here. She looks at me madly. „Why are you saying like that?" „Like what?" I just asked noemally or I said something wrong? „Like she is bad person." I don't know her I can't say yes or no. I just can hope she is good person. „I didn't mean it. I just asked." I try to explain. „I don't know." „Iam sorry." I apologise. She looks at me and giving me something like a smile. „I don't know what's wrong with them but I try to make pain away. And tomorrow we are going to talk about it." She started doing the thing she knows the best expect the hurting people. She knows ho to help. I don't say anything just stare at her hands and her. „You should go to sleep then." I try to make conversation. „I don't know if I can." „Why not?" She doesn't look at me. „I don't know. I just can't." She tries to explain. I understand why she can't the voices that aren't us are talking and living in our heads. 


I woke up early. I couldn't sleep anymore so I went to the downstairs. I found Raven she is sleeping on the couch. Why? Maybe when she came she was tired and couldn't go to upstairs so she went on the couch. I heard somobody coming downstairs. It is Nesryn. „Good morning." He greets me but I show him to be quiet and point on Raven. „Why she is here?" He asks. „I don't know." He sita t the table. „How you slept?" He asks me with smile on his face. „Fine. You?" „Very well." I smiled at him and started making coffee. I give coffe to him and me. And sit. Nadia come. „She is sleeping?" She asks confused. Raven wasn't sleeping for days maybe weeks. „Why she is here?" Nadia asked the same thing as Nesryn they are going on my nerves. „We don't know." Nesryn answers her. She sits to us. „Alexander is still sleeping?" She asks. Why are they asking? „We din't see him so yes." I answered and sounded madly. „How many hours it is?" Sleepy voice asking us. We turned around and see sleepy Raven sitting on the couch. „Eight." Nadia said smiling. „Iam late." She said sadly or sleepy. And stands up. „Late for what?" I asked her she looks at me. Her hair is so meesy but she stil looks good. „Meeting." She goes upstairs.„Meeting?" Nadia repeats it's again. „Iam going to wake up Alexander." I said and went after Raven. She is in a bathroom. Making her hair. „Where are you going?" I asked her. „Mom has job for me." It sounds weird when she says it. „Do you trust her?" She looks at me. „What would you do? Would you trust her?" She asks me madly. „I would trust her beacause she"- „Is your mom. Right I know." She stooped me. I made her mad? Or she woke up like that? „How you slept here?" „Fine." She answered me.

-another part is out. i think tomorrow will be too. good night.

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