Untitled Part 20

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I like this idea. We should rest but I don 't know if I can go. I don 't feel very well. „Where is it?" Nadia asked. I don 't know name of the lake or where is ist but I'm sure Raven or Alya will tell us. „It's not far. I used to go there as a kid." Raven said and stand up. „I heard it's really nice place." Raven looks at Alya not very happy. „Iris Basin." Raven said we look at her very confusedly. „Name of the lake." She said. „I want to go." Nadia said and stands up. I am suprised she is excited. „But we don 't have bikini." Alya said. I am just listening them careffuly. Raven laughs and started leave. „What?" I asked. I don't sound very friendly. „Nothing." She said and went to upstairs. „She is doing this always!" Nadia is angry about this. She can be but it's Raven. We were in the kitchen. Raven is up. I was sitting and thinking. You have no choice... Voice said. I don't have an idea what is he talking about. I don 't want to know. But he started. You are becoming someobody else... I am not. I'm just fighting this stupid war in my head. Raven's voice led me out of my mind. „Look." She throws so many bikini at the table. I was thinking where Nesryn is. He comes after Raven. Nadia and Alya ran to the table. „These will fit me." Alya said exicted. „What about us?" Nesryn asked pointing at me. „Look at the table." Raven said peacefully.


As a kid I loved this place. In the summer I was there every single day. I was nine or ten. I stopped going there because... I couldn't. Lilith forbade me to go there. I don't know why I wasn 't asking. Now I have chance go there after years.We packed a few things like food and another clothes. „We are ready." Nadia said closing the door. Alexander doesn't look well. Iam angry because I don 't know what to do. How can I help him? I will find something. Alya and Nesryn where walking together before us. I wanted talk with Alexander but he ran after them. Nadia comes closer to me. „You look exicted." I tell her. She smiled. „I am." „I can see." She looks at me don't know what to say. „When will we be there?" She asked when we are walking through the forest. „Almost." She sighed. Alexander comes to us. „What?" He asked I think beacuse we are staring at him. „Nothing." Nadia answered him. „We are here." I tell them. This place is beautiful.


I never seen something more beautiful than this place. The lake is huge. There are tree- forest. I am just standing on the cliff or something like that and staring. „This was your best ide Alya." Alexander gave her compliment. He is amyed too and Alya. I don't know what Raven thinks about this place I hope she likes it here. Or she was there. Nesryn stood with his mouth open. „Do you like it here?" I asked him and smiled. He just nooded. „We are gonna just stand here or...?" Raven asked us I went down. Alexander followed me. No one is here I like it. . „Here." Raven gave me bikini. They are nothing special. „Hide." She said sarcasticly becasue I don't know where to change and she has bikini already. I saw Alya is going somewhere. I follow her. „Where are you going?" I asked her quietly. „Change." She said. I didn't say anything we went down to forest. We changed and brought clothes. Alexander and Raven are already in the water. Nesryn is lying. „You should go to him." I said to Alya. She looks at me scaredly. „I wanna swim."


I wanted to talk with Nesryn but I wanna swim more. Raven and Alexender are enyoing water.I want to jump but I don't know what is in the water. „Is it cold?" I asked them. „You will see." Alexander answers. He swims to Raven he looks like he wants to drown her. „You first." I said to Nadia she looks at me and got down slowly. I am suprised. She doesn't have scars. I don't see much of Raven's body but I alredy can see them on her arms and back. I went to water. It isn 't cold as I expected. „You aren 't going to us?" I asked Nesryn. He opens his eyes and looks at me. „Give me minute." I didn 't say anything I turned to Nadia. „Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked her madly. „Like what?" „Like you want me drown?" She laughed. „Maybe I want." ." I look at her scaredly. „Don 't you dare." She laughed. We came closer to Alexander and Raven. This lake is huge. They are talking. Alexander is laughing and looking better. I heard someobody coming to us. I turned it is Nesryn he finally came. „Iam hungry." He said. We looked at him madly. „You just came." Nadia said pointing at him. „Please." He begged. I sighed. „Come on." I get out with him.

-i didn't find good fanarts so i will try tommorow its too late and i have school so good night

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