fear Part 32

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Around is chaos. Raven is trying but thre are many of them and is shot. Alya is shooting. I'm shot too and throwing knives. Alexander is standing there or thinking. I can feel wind inside. Raven notices it too and is looking for Alexander. „What's he doing?" I ask here she turns to me. „I guees he is trying to help." Yes and he does. I'm looking at him. His eyes start glowing there's windy and thunders are here. „Do you see that to?" I point at him. „I do." Raven answers and picks her knife. Alexander is coming to us. I don't know if it's him. I go closer to Raven and Alya. We don't know what to expect from him. „Why you can't end all of them?" I whisper to Raven men are going to Alexander. „I don't feel very well." That must be reason because if she would in form thre's already hell. Men start shooting at Alexander but it doesn't hurt him. It looks like he has shield. „He needs help." Alya says and wants go to him but I stop her. „Watch." I point at him. Storms are hitting men, wind is blowing them and Alexander looks like he is enjoying it. Specially he doesn't hit that man who holds Nesryn but that man is shooting. He is done men are lying on the ground. He comes to that man. „Please..." He begs scardly. Alexander smiles evily and says. „It's gonna be fast." He took his gun and hits him to his head. His voice sounde bit different or I'm paranoid. Nesryn runs to us and hugs Alya. This was crazy I'm looking at thim and my mouth is open. Alexander turns back to us.


I felt like it wasn't me. I heard him and I have guilt. I did just everything what I was suppose to. We didn't have to kill them but they would kill us. I turn to them. I see Alya and Nadia are scared of me maybe Nesryn too. Raven is just staring at me as nothing happened. „Are you okay?" Alya asks unbelievers. I look at her but don't say nothing. I don't know either. „We need informations." Raven tells and points at him. I love how she knows what I wanna to do. „I take him. Go." I tell them and go to him. The power I held and don't know about it. It was fine to feel powerful but I'm still dangerous. „What kind if power are you talking about?" I whisper to him and take him to others. I come to my room with him and give him on the bed. „Nadia! Bring the rope!" I scream at her and go to Raven's room. Something told me she's here. I feel bit tired but better at the same time. „Are you gonna explain?" She raises her eybrows. I know I must. „I don't know it was fast. He wanted control and I didn't want to see you die." I tell her the truth. „He?" She asks confused. „The voice." „We wouldn't die." „I don't know. It didn't look like that." She comes to me. „I know I'm not strong enough but we wouldn't." She still tries to explain. „Maybe it was mistake." I told her sadly. She takes my hand and holds it. „You just did what you had. You wanted to protect us." I look at our hands. I don't know if this is Raven. „You're right." I agree with her. „And I have something to tell you." She lets go of my hand. „I almost know how to heal." Almost? „That's great." I tell her with joy in my voice. This is why she's acting so happy.


I don't know if it was good idea to tell him but he must knows it first. I'm really happy about it. I don't have ide what kind of power he was talking about. At first I tought he talks about me but then he say something about unique. I never heard something is here in monaster. „Raven Daly's here." Nadia tells me and I went to downstairs. „Can web e alone?" She asks and we go outside. „What's wrong?" I ask her because she doesn't look very happy. „Nothing I just..." She smiles weakly and tries to find words. „I came to say goodbye." I stare at her don't know what to say. It feels like eysterday when she came. „Why?" I don't understand why she has to leave. „I did what I have done. I have Helia. I have what I wanted. I have you." She puts hand on my shape and stares to my eyes. I hug her becuse I don't know what to say. I'm not ready to lose her again. I don't know if she will come back.


„Are you going to tourtue him?" I ask Nadia because she'd staring at him as she wants to kill him. „That's Raven job." She laughs. She's right Raven would do it without asking but we can't. Raven was trained for killing, tortuering and good situations but she can do these two the best. Nadia was trained for killing and tourtering too but it still makes problem to her. I wasn't trained. „We should wake him." Alexander says standing on the door. Nesryn looks at me as he wants to say something. „Where's Raven?" I ask because I don't see her here. „Outside with Dalya." Nadia answers boredly. What she's doing? Going on another mission? I hope no we know how it eneded last time. I understand she is her mother but she could treat her better way. Right my parents didn't treat me good. „You hit him so hard." Nadia says still looking at him. I don't know i fit was Alexander. He comes closer and I feel how fear in me is starting to showing up. I'm not scared of Alexander but the thing he can do. And I'm scared of Raven too. I don't know how far she can fo to protect us or takes her revenge. „I did." Alexander answers after thinking and our guest is waking up.

-another part out enjoy. tomorrow i wont post. good night

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