lost sister? Part 44

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„This is your room." She opened the door to one of the houses and showed us our room with five beds. „Sleep well." Said with smile and left. She left us standing in the room. „She's weird." Alexander said and sa on the bed. I don't know what to think about it. „Wait." I said and opened the door. I closed them. I want to know more. Who are they. I remember when Lilith was telling a story about the eart benders. They dissapeard and everyone thought they died. But were are we now? In the village full of the earth benders. I'm sure all of them could be and that woman could be leader. It's middle of the night. I can hear her heart she isn't that far. I follow him. Some people are awake and are looking at me weirdly. Why was Khalide here? What she wanted? Or who? I went between the houses when I found her. She was sitting on the old bench. She didn't notice me. I came closer quietly. „Can I?" I asked her politely. She looked at me and nooded. I sat. „You are probably curious Raven." She knows my name. „I didn't tell you my name." „I've known you a really long time. You don't remember me." Could it be true? „Zeneva." She invited herself. „Why was Khalida here? What changed your mind?" I have so many questions and can't ask all of them. „What changed my mind? I didn't recognise you but then... I saw who you are. Khalida always wanted everything and the horrible things she did..." She stopped and looked at me.


I found clean clothes on the bed. Everyone has them. „Why she left now?" Nadia asked madly and stood infront the door. „She knows more than us." Nesryn said quietly. Does she? Raven knows a lot things but I don't think so she knows why Khalida was here or why that lady changed her mind so quickly. It's suspicious. I sat on my bed and look at the white shirt and black pants. Probably it's pyjamas. „I don't think so. I think she's gone after that lady." Alexander said and sat at his bed. I'm in the middle beetwen Nadia and Nesryn. Everyone choiced their bed. Raven and Alexander are opposite me. Maybe Alexander is right or Raven's doing something rally crazy or stupid. „We should go to sleep. We need rest. She will come." I told them with weak smile. I lie on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I heard Alexander and Nadia talking. „And whiskey." Nadia said and started laughing. I smile at it. Her laugh is so comfortable. I wish we could her Raven's laugh. She isn't laughing laike never. She just smiled sometimes. I haven't seen her smiling longer time. Because it's hard. I'm so tired. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore Alexander and Nadia. Last time I looked at Nesryn and I stayed suprised. He's alredy sleeping. „Good night." Alexander told us and lied to his bed. Nadia put out candle and lied too.


I woke up and sat fastly. I looked beside myself but Raven wasn't her. I see we have a clean clothes. It looks like a combat suit. I changed and quietly left. They were still sleeping and I sin't want to wake them. Traitor. I ignored that and look for Raven. „Alexander!" She screamed my name. I turned to her and she runs to me. She has a combat suit too. It suits her she looks pretty. Mine is black and blue maked of skin. And her is red and black with cloak. „Where did you go?" I asked her and come closer to her. „About it... I was looking for informations." She said with a cold voice and goes infront me. We started walking. „You found something?" I whispered. „Something." She smiles evily. It makes me more curios and Raven knows it. I don't ask more because I know she'll tell me more. I noticed she has a scratch which isn't heal. We came to the reservior. „See?" She turned to people who are training. „All of them?" She nooded. Earth benders. Everybody knows or must knows stories of them. „The name of that lady is Geneva." The woman who shows them what to do. „She didn't recognize me and thought I'm the lost sister of Khalida." I think I didn't hear right. „Recognize you? A lost sister?" „Pssst! Geneva was a good friend with Lilith before she... No one really knows what happened to Khalida's sister or if he's even alive. That was reason why Khalida visisted them and destroyed a house." She pointed at houses. The hatred with she speaks scares me.


When I woke up no one was here. I sat and noticed a pretty combat suit. Black with green and coat. I'll probably unzip the cloak.I did. I changed and went outside. I think I heard Alya's voice. I try look after her. Everyone looks so sweet but mad at the same time. Maybe we're just know. „How you like your suit?" The woman we saw yesterday. „I love it." I couldn't hide my happiness. „If you are looking for Raven this way." She pointed right. I smiled and go this way. I wasn't looking for Raven but Alya could be with too. After a while I come to them. Everyone was here except me. Alya smiled at me and runs to me. Her suit is black too but with purple. All of them are black but different color. Nesryn's suit is with yellow. Alexander's blue and Raven's red. Only she has a cloak. „What hapened?" I asked them and looked at Raven. „The woman who invited us yesterday name is Geneva. And she was mad because she didn't recognize Raven. Because she thought she's lost sister of Khalida." I thought I'm going to scream or explode but I'm trying not to. „So that's the reason why Khalida visited them. And Geneva is the boss or leader." Alexander told me quietly. „What is this?" He pointed at Raven's arm. „I was... trying to creat blood." She said and started healing it. „For what?" I asked and raised my eybrows. She looked at me and smiled. „You'll see...

-forgive me for not posting but im busy and have  a lot of exams

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