You are mine Part 50

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I don't understand why Raven told them where's that stupid power. I wanna bet that has no idea where's it but has a plan. In the crowns of the trees I see the tall towers of the palace. I look up at the sky how pretty it is. This could be for my last time when I see the sky. If you let me out it won't be your last time. Trust me you will get what you want. I look at Raven. She sat her looking at her. Noticed that I'm lookingn at her and evily smiled. „Now." She wishpered. I turned to Nadia and Alya wanted to say something but I know that I would regret it. I nodded at them. They look confused but I'm too. „What's happening?" Soldier behind me started screaming. We stopped and my soldier looked at me and then at Raven. „She." He pointed at her and took his gun. „No." I told him and tried to take his gun he punched me and we fell form the horse. I hold the gun tightly. Nadia and Alya started fighting with their soldier too. I looked at Raven she raised her hands. „Enough!" She yelled at everyone. She chokes them. And their dead bodies have fallen on the ground. I sat and breath fastly. „C'mon we don't have much time." She said and sat on a horse. We stood here a while and were looking at Raven sitting on horse. „What are you waiting for?" She asked madly and we sat at horses. We started galloping. „Do you think others will come?" Nadia asked from behind. „Yes." Raven's voice sounded so cold and dangerously. Be careful. He warned me. Of what? „We must hurry." Alya said next to me. Everyone knows what's going on expect me? Almost here. „Nobody seems to be here." I told them looking through the gate.


I expected guards and soldier to gaurd here but no one's here. We jumped over the gate. I caught myself smiling at the palace. I've never been so close everything looks „Is this right?" Lux asked coming closer to me. „In this world is nothing right." Raven said and keep going to the door infront. „Let me talk." She warned us opening door. I hold Lux's hand. Raven opened the door and a hall appeared in front of us - the ceiling is high white, the walls are golden with large windows, the floor is made of white marble with a red carpet that leads to the throne on which no one sits. Surprising. But next to him stands a woman with her back to us with long black hair dressed in blue. When she turned to us, I wanted to bow but Raven didn't. „Guards!" She called them and they stood around us. It somehow didn't faze Raven. „I'm Zoya Nazyalenska"- „I know who you are." Raven interrupted her and Zoya raised her eyebrows. „How dare you?!" She asked her madly. Raven ignored her and came closer through the guard. „I see that you need help because no one is her and no one sits here." She stopped and looks at the throne. „She is coming." Nesryn said from behind. Raven turned to him and her face was filled with fury. And Zoya realised who is coming. „Khalida isn't alone she has a very strong army." Raven said and made a few steps fowards. Zoya thinks but I'm sure she's making scenarios what can happen. „We need a blood manipulator." She said bit quiet. „We have a one." I pointed at Raven. Zoya tried to smile or did somthing like that. She said to follow her. We came to a huge dining room. We started eating and drinking everything what looks tasty and what we see.


I've never eaten that much and worst part is that I have to leave the table and chair. Zoya and her guards, friends I think they were talking and look close, they gave us a new uniforms. „Everything is perfect now go to rooms and take some rest." Said a girl with ginger hair. The maid led us to the rooms and I ddin't care how this room is looking first thing I've noticed is bed. I jumped on it happily. I didn't realise how tired I'm until I saw a bed. There is a clock on the wall it's almost 2pm. If I'm going to sleep two hours? I'm suprised that myself let me sleep bacuse there is a war. I fall asleep and the first thing I hear is scream. I opened door so fastly and Alexander stood infront. „I was about to knock." He take my hand and we satrted leaving. „They are here." He said. „I wasn't asking bacuse it was obvious." I told him when he left me stand here with a gun. I look for Nesryn or Raven, Nadia and Lux but I can't see them there's a huge mess. „You good?" Nadia came from behind brething really fast. I nodded. „They are inside!" Zoya yelled and protected throne. It suprised me when I noticed Raven standing next to here. „She betrayed us?" I asked confused. „She's protecting her throne." Nadia said with a smile and left. I followed her and protected her from the other army. I look through the window when I saw Khalida standing here and fighting. I don't care if this is crazy or I want to die. I started shooting through the window. She noticed me and wanted to control me when I heard thunders. Nadia came to me with Lux. „Alexander." Nadia whispered. His eyes are glowing and it's windy. „We have to go." Nadia told us taking guns. We came back to Raven and Zoya.


I'm protecting Zoya and I hope she protects me too. Nadia and Alya tried to close the door and made it. „This is sick." Nadia said and sat on the floor. But after a while when we were sitiing here they flew. And Khalida stood there. „Hello there." She greeted us and I saw how Zoya raised her hands. Khalida came closer. „She's mine." I told them dangerously. She brought her soldiers and they started fighting. She took some blood from a dead body lying on the ground and sent it on me. I caught it and give it to the shape like a ball. When my nerves started leaving me I made it looking like a many knives. It cut her leg. „You can't this war!" She yelled at me. I know. A voice in my head wants to talk. She made it into a shape and started choking me. „You still can join me." I ignored her and picked my knives. „You wish." I told her trough my teeth and threw a knife. This is the best what I can do. I hit her leg again. „You desroyed everything what we had!" What I had. I yelled at her while she kneels. „You took everything from me!" I kneel to her and grabbed her face. Heard sighs from behind and feel watched. I feel Alexander's heart and it calms me. „And what are you going to do? Kill me?" She laughs to my face. She slapped me so hard and I'm lying there. I get up quickly and look at my friends how they are fighting for their lives and worry about me. I stoo turned back to her. And my lip is bleeding. „No...No..." I started laughing and see how confused is everyone. I turned to her and look in her eyes. „Iam going to torture you and watch you slowly and painfuly dying in a pain." I said dangerously to her. I stood there and raised my hands and started trying something. I closed my eyes and want to feel her. You're mine. I feel you. You belongs to me. The blood manipulator voice in my head said....

-i wrote this really fast

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