Helia part 27

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I woke up on the couch. I don't remember how I pass out. I just saw dark and that's it. „You are awake." Nesryn said sitting on the chair next to me. I sit. „What happened?" I asked them. My head still hurts. „We wanted to ask the same thing." Alya sits on the couch. „How do you feel?" Alexander is worried. „My head hurts." „I brought you water." Nesryn gave the glass with water to me. „Where's Raven." I asked them. They are confused about my question. „You don't remember? She has job." Alya told me looking at me. Now I remember. „Rest." Alexander ordered to me. „How you feel?" I asked him because I know these days are hard for him. I think last night I heard him swear. He looks at me and thinks what to say. I know I can expect the truth. „Iam fine. But you aren't" He points at me. Maybe Iam just tired. „We should go after Dalya." Alya told us. Alexander gives he a shocked look. „No." He answers her madly. „Why?" She tries again. Some things Alya doesn't understand. What are we suppose to do with Dalya? We don't know her. she isn't our charge she is Raven's mom, her family. „You want to argument? Again?" Alexander asks her madly. He sin't happy about Dalya and Raven. For sure he doesn't like her. But what can we do? He stands up.

I don't know why we should go after Dalya. I don't like her. „I was just asking." Alya told me sadly. I sand up. „Then stop." I said her madly. She looks like she wants something to say. But is rather quiet. „Nesryn come with me. Alya stays with Nadia." I point at her. We went upstairs. „What hapeened?" He asks scardly. „I have someting to show you." We went to my room. „I noticed something behind my bed." I wnet to my bed and Nesryn stood at the rug looking at me like Iam freak. „But why you need me?" I smiled. „Well... I need to push it off and I can't prove it myself." He comes to me. „One...two...three." I started couting. We push my bed off. It wasn't that hard as I expected. „What is it?" He asks looking at the hole in the wall. Big hole. I kneel. „It looks like a tunnel." I told him. „We shouldn't go there." Nesryn said scardly. I have to agree because we don't have flashlights and don't know what is waiting here for us. „Alexander!" Nadia screams at me. „Coming!" I answered her and we ran downstairs. „What?" Nesryn asks breathing heavily. „Dalya wants to see you." Her bodyguards came for us. „Come with us." The boss with sunglasses resumes. „Do we have another choice?" Nadia sked them sarcasticly. I smiled. „No." He said deeply. „We can go without you." I tried to give them an idea. Nobody wants to go with them. „No.You are going with us." Boss said madly. I want to see his eyes. They must be small, this could be reason why he has glasses. „We should go." Alya starts leaving. I frown. „Come on Nesryn we are leaving." I told him try to sound exicted. I can see the ship. What Dalya wants from us? Maybe Raven has trouble. Nothing special. All the way we were quiet no one said a word. The voice in my head was quiet but now he started speaking again. You are in danger. He laughs. Is he trying to warn me? From what? The day id coming... Day? What a day? You hear me? He doesn't answer. . „She is waitng." Boss told us when we stopped infront of the ship. We started going inside. Alya opens the door. „Sit." Dalya points at the chairs while she is sitting at her chair. We sit. „Where you've sent Raven?" Alya starts quieckly. „Iam sure she'll answer on your question. Raven is on her way." Dalya said with smile on her face. „Have you promised her money?" Nadia asks her. „Oh no! I just know Raven wants to protect her people...people like her." So blood manipuators are having troubles? 


„That girl name is Helia. Everything about her you have in papers. We are protecting her from Khalida. She wants her dead as you." She points at me. „Iam not alone?" I think that girl did something to Khalida or Khalida hurt her. „No." She said without interested. „But still why are you protecting her?" „I'm getting paid for it. When Helia was younger she was experiment. She was drugged." I'm not sure if heard right. „That's enough. You should go." She told me. I stood there without saying anything and left. I read these papers more than three times. She works in capital city Ala Nova. Ala Nova is rough city but people here are horrible you aren't safe here. She is seventeen and works in boxer club. I think her powers after the drug aren't the same, she could lost them. Maybe Khalida is going after her because she knows something as Caspian. We sren't sure if he's dead. We can just hope he isn't. The city isn't that far away. I stand in the meadow and see the towers of the city in front of me. I entered the gates of the city. I look around me. I see traders in weapons, clothes, food and so much more. They look at me. I didn't say anything just give them death stare. I go on and see a large sign in front of me: Boxer Club. I smiled. I started walking faster, almost here. I opened door and went inside. On the outside it looked big but on the inside it's small. It's many people here they are screaming because someobody is fighting. I didn't relize they're screaming Helia's name. I see two bodyguards on my side. Nothing hard. I don't know where to go. I should go to Helia and talk with her?

-tomorow i wont post i try to make another part today but i cant promise

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