it's getting worse 16

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Alexander fell on the ground. I ran to him. Alya is standing and watching scardly. He is breathing fast and heavily. „Aleaxender..." I came to him. He is looking at the ground. „Raven... I... I..." He stopped and clenched his fists. „What?" I asked him deeply and seriously. His heart is fast and he is in a pain. „I'm losing control." He said. He is fighting so hard. I can see it. „Come with me." I said to him. I gave him my hand and he stand up. „Where are we going?" He asked me his voice sounded so tired and painful. „Training room." „Why?" He asked me. I don't answer to him beacuse we are here. „Sit here." I said to him and gave him sit down. „You should go." He said to me. The way he looks at me and talks to me is weird. I don't know  if it's him. I won't answer this question because he knows my answer. „Raven... go." He looks at me sadly and scaredly. „No." I must answer. „Raven i'm not myself." He began support his head with hands. „I see, and that's one of the reasons why I'm not going anywhere." I said and hope the answer will be normal. He laughed not sarcasticly, usually. This laugh was evil and dangerous. „We can hurt you." He said looking to my eyes. I stand up. „We?" I asked him.


Alya ran to me. I am sitting and drinking my coffee. Nesryn came to me and Alya. „Where's Raven?" He asked and Alya looks at me. „She is with Alexander with training room." She said. „Did he lose control?" I asked her. I noticed how Alya is looking at Nesryn. It 's like Alexander is looking at Raven. „I don 't know..." She said sadly. Alexander is always dangerous but uncontrollable. We sit in silence and hear a strange sound. We ran to a training room. I can believe what I see. Raven and Alexannder are fighting. Or Alexander is fighting with Raven? „Can you help?" Raven asked, pressed against to wall. Nesryn looks at us. We don 't have and idea what to do. Alexander started chocking her. Alya ran and started pulling him away from Raven but he just threw her away.


I hear so many voices. I don 't know which is mine. I am really trying to fight with them but they're winning. We should kill al of them. WE? No, I didn 't want to threw Alya away or choke Raven. We are killers. Again here is that we. Maybe I'm killer but I wouldn't kill my friends. I don 't remember but last thing I saw was Nadia and then dark. „He was choking you." Nadia said to Raven. Raven has her back turn to me. „I remeber." She said madly like always. We don 't have a time. The voice in my head started speak again.„He just doesn 't know how to control his powers." Raven said and turned to me. I can't say she is mad or fine. „What happened?" I asked beacuse I have be sure. „You don 't remember?" Alya asked sarcasticly. Raven froze her with a look. I tried to ignore the voice but it doesn 't work. She can easily kill you. We must be first. I look at Raven. The voice was right she can do it but she would never. Am I wrong? I didn't notice that I am tied to a chair. „You hurt them." Nadia said sadly and looks at Alya. „Iam sorry." I said. „You don 't have to, it wasn 't you." Raven said calmly. But Nadia and Alya aren 't calm with it. „Can I go?" I asked and Raven answers me. „No." She said easily. I just smiled. We can be something. Voice in my head said something again. It makes me to scream. Iam something without you. I though and voice hid. „Why not?" I asked them. „We want you here." Nadia answered she cleans her knives. „For what?" I continue. I realised this isn't me. „You see." Raven said, she knows. She knows what is happening in my head?


I am not okay with it. I understand it wasn 't Alexander but it makes me think more. It's just scary. If it wasn't Alexander then who? I was sitting next to Nadia but only I can see the door. Something came. Letter. „Something came." I announced. „What?" Alexander asked. I didn 'answer him. I show him the letter in my hand. . I opened it and first thing I saw large font that speaks: RAVEN REYES. „It's for you." „Me?" She asked and I gave it to her. „Loud." Nadia said to her. She doesn 't look happy with it.


„Fine." I said and started read:

We were trying to not a lose this fight. But we did. We were fighting until the last momen, last breath. But they found us. Everyone thought she was alone. She isn't. She has an army, her own soldiers. Every single day is getting more powerful. She will kill us. She killed so many people, she killed your brother.  But I have something to tell you name of your mother is Delaney Helaviaor Reyes.As the blood manipulator I am disgusted and scared. She is doing horrible thing. She is coming for us and Khalida will come for you.


I ended with my mouth open. I couldn 't believe I heard her name Delaney Helavia. She has pretty name. But I still no idea how I will find her. „Who wrote it?" Alexander asked still tied to chair. „Blood manipulator. He or they knew too much so Khalida easily killed them." I answered his question. „But we are still alive. Why?" Nadia is right we are. „Because she is playing games." I was in this right Khalida is playing game with us and it's reason why we are alive. She wasn 't playing games with other blood manipulators. „Who was J.G?" Alya asked me. „I don 't know."  „How  do you find mom?" Alya contunied. „I don 't know...

-another part is out i don't know if tomorrow im gonna post i try. good night

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