troubles Part 28

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We are sitting and nervously waiting for Raven. I hope she is okay. At first I though she went after Khalida but Iam sure it's another blood manpiulator. „If she has troubles?" Alexander asked her madly. They don't like eachother. She smiles at him evily. „Don't worry." I know Alexander is on his nerves these days but for Raven he is always. She just says don't worry but she doesn't know what can happen. What if she would be dying? It doesn't mater because I think Raven is dying everyday. Maybe she is enjoying dangerous. „You look like a nice girl." Dalya points at Nadia with her glass. „Thank you." She smiles. Alexander leaned toward my ear and whispers. „Will she come?" He waits for my answer. Truly I don't know what to say because we can just hope. „You know her..." i don't know what to say. I just smiled at him weakly. We sat in the silence when the door flew open. Raven covered in blood stands in with another girl. We stood up really fast. Dalya stops drinking her whiskey. Alexander runs to them. And I don't know what to do.


I tried to get closer to Helia but one of the bodyguards stops me. „You can go there." He told me madly. I didn't want to use my powers but what else can I do? I made his nose bleeding. „Your nose is bleeding!" I 've acted too scardly. I don't know which of the girls is Helia. I heard just one heart. I figured out Helia is that girl with brown hair. She looks like she wants kill the other girl. I like her. I don't want to scream at hear she would be probably mad. So I will be waiting for the end. I watch all her moves she is really fast, has great skills and murderous strikes. One punch into face another to the stomach and she broke girl's leg. She fell down. Everybody is counting. „Five! Four! Three! Two! One!" Girl didn't get up so it means Helia is won. They applaud to her and she screams out of joy. She started leaving but I go after her. „Hi. I need to talk with you." I try to be nice. „Sorry, I don't have time for a fans." She said to me tiredly and without interest. „But I'm not a fan." I'm not nice anymore. She looks at me nervously and then shows to go with her. We came to her dressing room. „Ten minutes." She sits and I come closer to her. I sighed and started talking. „I'm Raven Reyes and I came to save you because you are in danger and I'm suppose to help you. I know what happened to you and I'm sorry for you because I'm like you." This was longer than I thought. She looks at me scardly. She thinks about it doesn't know what to say. If she is inteligent she will go with me if not she stays and dies. „Fine." She stands up, takes jacket and we start leave. When we left the Boxer Club she asks me. „How have you found me?" „I have people everywhere." She smiles. I don't. „What about the danger?" „Khalida."I answered and anger in me is coming. „What have you don to her?" I ask her she looks at me scaredly I thought she is scared of her name. „Raven." She points at something before us. Khalida she stands here with her servants. She starts coming closer. I don't know what to do because we have nowhere to run. Helia starts panicking. „Give me her and you will be okay." Khalida gave me choice. „Never." I said deeply watching all her moves. Her servants started coming so close. I choke them. Khalida looks at them but doesn't say anything. She picks the knives. I don't but I have them. „Go behind me." I whispered to Helia still choking them. I din't expect they still have a lot of strength. One of them points gun at Helia. I brought pain to his arms but Khalida throws knife and hits Helia. I don't look after her I'm still hurting them. I have to kill them. I started chocking them again and trying to get blood out of their boodies. Khalida pushes me and I stopped. I fell. She stands over me I try to get up but she drags knife to my stomach. I got up with pain. Pick my knives while Khalide checks on her servants I throw one of them to her shoulder. And start killing them again. I didn't realize Khalida disappears. I don't wanna stop now. This is part of my revenge. Finally it works the dead bodies fell on the grown. I go after Helia. „Stay with me!" I scream at her. I got her up and started walking fastly.


I knew something bad is about to happen. I run to her. She has blood on her arms, face and is bleeding. „Take her." She said in her voice is pain. She gives me girl. „I'm going for towels keep her with us!" Dalya screams at us while she rans for them. Raven sits to the chair. She uts her arm on her stomach. „What happened?" Nadia comes to her. „Khalida." She answered heavily. I knew it. „Here." Dalya gives me towel and to Raven too. I give to that girl on the wound. Khalida hit her too. „Give it to me. You have blood on your hands." Nadia sounds madly. Raven smiles badly. „What?" „That blood isn't mine." She laughs but regrets it. „Then who?" I ask coming to them. And Alya comes to the girl. „I killed Khalida's servants." „You did what?!" I think I heard wrongly. „You know she will kill you." Nadia tries to explain but Raven doesn't care. „She tried so many times and well I'm still here." She said sarcasticly. „Is she going to be okay?" Alya asked trying to find answer in our eyes. „She will." Dalya asnwers faster.

- sorry for not posting another week wil be better promise. i am busy and dont know if i will post tomorrow so good night.

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