training Part 6

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Lilith was about forty to forty-five, she was wearing a white long dress her hair was loose, she was kind. We sat she brought us tea, I dont know what kind of but he was good.Then she started talking: „You should stay here for a while." Nadia looked at me and I took a breath. „Thats out of the question, we are safe and okay." I told her, she was looked at me seriously. „I insist it would be much better." She looked at us. Raven was quit, I saw on her she was thinking I wanted to be in her mind. „Lilith is right. We should stay here." Raven agreed with her, I have admit i like idea being there, it was more comfort than a tent, but the tent was our home. My home, I dont think Nadia was happy but she will accept. „I want to stay here. I like it here." Said Alya, she saw everything pink, world isnt pink, I sighed. „Fine, we stay here a while." Everybody looked at me. Alya smiled, Raven was just looking and Nadia she was mad and angry at me. I agreed because we need help.


I dont like it here, I dont know why, maybe something bad happened here. I hink I will like it here. We are more safe here they can protect us Lilith, others blood manipulators... Raven. Can Raven protect us? Can she beat her? May Raven be another queen? I trust her, I really do but the anger in her is dangerous. Lilith led me out of my thoughts. „You have rooms. Things they will bring you." „Thank you Lilith it means alot for us." Said Raven we left and Lilith with us. We went to upstairs. My room was small but nice, walls were white. There were paintings on the walls, the bed was big. Lilith came to me: „Do you like it?" „Yes. Thank you." I was trying to be nice. „I know you dont like it there but you will." She smiled and left, I twas thinkíng about her words she was right. But I was dissapointed she saw it on me. I went to Raven...


This was my room , I jumped to the bed, still comfortable. Nadia came she was smiling. „I guess this was your room?" „Yeah it was. Do you like yours?" She nooded her head and sat down next to me. „Do you have here a training room?" „We do." She gasped and I looked at her. „ I think you have a lot memories, I wanna hear them." I never asked their memories or experiences, maybe I never cared what happened. „Tuly there was fun. I had friends thy were same as me. My favourite memory was... I think when I was learning how to bloodbending. Or when it was cold outside and we were watching films..." She watched with joy. „What about you?" I asked politely, but I want to know. „When I"- „Im sorry for bothering but Lilith is calling you." This was beautiful moment and Alexander destroyed him. „Im must go." I left I went to downstairs and I saw her. „We are going to training room."she said. „Now? It can wait." „We should start earlier." I didnt say anything, training room- was secret place underground, there are a lot weapons like guns, swords,rifles... they call her emergency room too. „What Im supposed to do?" „We will train." „We?" I dont understand she will train with me or fight? Or she just wants me to teach how to be calm. „Yes. We I will teach you have to be calm." I knew it, this isnt gonna end well... „How?" „You will see. Take a position!" I did, i was ready for everything but I dont have my knives here without them I feel hurt. „Concentrate!" I did and I banished all thoughts. Then she started...


I was enjoying huge bed when Nadia and Alexander came. „Whats going on?" „Nothing we came to visit you." Nadia said she was in a good mood, she sat next to me. „Wheres Raven?" „She went with Lilith." Alexanders voice was deep and cold, he was walking through room. „For what?" „I think they went training." „But for what?" Nadia asked, I missed it. „Did you forget?" Nadia looked at me we dont understand. He sighed. „Raven is gonna be next queen." I stood up quickly. „She can die!" „She knows the risk. Alya she doesnt have another choice." Nadia was right, Raven doesnt have a choice she never had. „What if she wont make it?" I dont want to lose her, I care about her but this is reality. „We need to hope." Alexander said codly. „What are you thinking about?" Nadia asked him she was curios but I too. „Everything. We should wait for Raven." „Im going to sleep." I said and they left...


She started throwing knives. I tried to dodge, but some of them hit me. „How this is gonna help?" I was yelling because she was on the other side of room. She ignored me and threw another one I caught him, but then something hurt me in the stomach she didnt stop. I cant cure it because there is her blood on knives. I didnt want to beg her but I must. „Stop please," I caugh my breath. „I beg you!" She stopped, she walked to me. „So you want to stop? No this isnt gonna happen." She stood over me she caught my head and did what Khalida, starting beating me again and again. „Do something Raven!" She yelled, Im trying to control my anger but I cant. Its Lilith I wont hurt her. She can kill me and I will do nothing. „Enough for today. But tommorow we will repeat this." I didnt say anything she left me finally. She left and I was sitting there I wanted to cry but I cant. I stood up, left the training room and went to upstairs when Nadia stopped me...


I gasped when I saw her she was hurt, not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally. „Did Lilith hurt you?" She didnt say anything she gave me her death stare. Then she nooded her head, I came closer to her. I hugged her, it suprised me when she hugged me too stronger. I wish this moment would never end. „Nadia?" she asked with pain in her voice she was bleeding. „What is your favourite memory?" She smiled a tme weakly, I think I know. „When we were hugging. Or when you are laughing or we." These are my favourites memories because Im with her, she came to me and hugged me again. Alexander came: „I was waiting for you. What Im missing?" „I didnt see you, nothing I guess." She was holding her stomach, she was in big pain but she doesnt show us. „Im going to bed you should too." So after our hugging she is just gonna dissapear? „Good night." She said and left we just smiled at her. „What happened?" He asked me and I dont know if I should tell him, he desreves to know. „Lilith she was trying to control Ravens anger." He looked a tme in a shock. „I dont have to be there but Im sure Lilith was acting like Khalida." „Raven didnt told me anything. But... I know she did nothing to her." I was right because Lilith was her mother figure. „We should go to bed too." I have to admit I was reall tired, but I dont want go to sleep. „Is Alya sleeping?" I asked him, he nooded his head. „Tommorow we ask Lilith how could she." „How she could hurt her? Alexander they were just training." „She took it far for this time." He was mad because he cared about her, everybody does. But does she care about us? „Good night." I said and we went to sleep...

-school started today but her is story im sorry for mistakes enjoy the story

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