something Part 3

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I am sorry for Raven, because we know what Khalida did to her- I knew Jax he was kind and sweet not like Raven, she was always mad and angry and had the death stare. But after his death something broke in her she changed her I understant, but she isnt talking with us about him. I know she still walks to his grave, I think I know what she is doing there she is crying, she thinks its her fault he is dead, it was partly her faut, but Khalida followed her and still follows. „Im going to bed. I have enough." Said Raven quickly. Alexander just nooded and Alya smiled, after a while I escorted Athena home and there was an akwkward silence. „Why they need Caspian? Alya?" Alexander asked after a while, and we were looking at Alya. „He has a key. „Key of what?" I asked being confused, then she started. „Its not a real key its a metaphor. He know something Khalida doesnt." „But a what?" „We didnt have a time to ask. Because she and her soldiers attacked us. I got hurt and then, fake king and his brother came." What he knows and Khalida doesnt? Maybe how to defat Khalida, but I dont think so, because its Ravens job. „So what are we going to do?" I asked and I was waiting for the answer. „I dont have idea." Alya said sadly, „We should go to sleep, tomorrow we'll figure out what to do next." Alexander said and built from his chair. „Yeah Alexander is right...Im going to sleep." I said and I left to my room...


We went to sleep, I was lying in bed, truly I am worried abou Caspian. But she wont kill him, or hurt him because she needs him. Alexander came in he is still lookin bad, but he isnt dying. Raven did great job, like always. „You arent sleeping?" Alexander asked me with the smile on his face, I gave it back to him." No, I was thinking. But Im going to, you should too." „Yeah, Im on my way. Good Night." He said and left, I was just smiling. I was asleep when I heard voices...


I woke up and Nadia stood over me: „Im here, youre okay. Youre safe." I was confused at first but then I realized I had another nightmare. Alya entered the room, she was scared obviously- Alya is the youngest she was nighteen, Alexander is the oldest he was twenty six, me and Nadia are the same age we are twenty two. „What happend?" She asked and was watching at me. „It was just...another nightmare. Im okay." I said, truly I dont know if Im okay I never did. The nightmares are haunting me, they are about Jax, death, that I killed someone, Khalida... I was always scared of her, but one day I stood up to her, before Jaxs death. I am suprised tha Alexander isnt there, he knows whats going on and therefore he wont come in. They left. And I fell asleep but I woke up, I heard strange sounds, I didn hear the heart so I went after Nadia quietly: „ Nadia?" she was still sleeping so I repeat:"Nadia!" still nothing, so I started suffocating her with my abilites."Nadia?" „Yeah...she catches the breath."Im okay, I was just asleep." „Okay... Im glad that you are alive but... Nadia there is something." „Something." She was confused yeah me too, I didn say anything I just nooded my head. There was really something. But then we got in explosion...

-next part is up i hope someobody will se this 


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