girl and the darkest secrets 45

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„So why we have these suits?" I asked and looked at the suits. „The girl who makes illusions is Zora and she said that they'll come for us after three days. And we have to be ready." Raven sounded so cold. „Why you just left?" Nadia stopped walking and asked. I'm not blaming Raven for leaving but she didn't say a word. She doesn't care for us.(maybe she does) But I do and she knows it. She turned to Nadia I looked at her then at Raven. In her eyes is anger and hatred. „You know the answer." She said and started walking again. I think Nadia doesn't know the answer. She snorted but stayed quiet. After a while I saw Raven again talking with Geneva. Where's Alexander? Nesryn? „You are scared of her." Nadia said to me. Maybe but I wasn't scared when it wasn't Raven. „I'm not Nadia. I just care about her." I looked at her and she looked at me. „Do you care about me too?" She asked with pain in her voice. I was waiting for this type of question. I hugged her. „I always did and will do." I whispered. We stopped and I look at the place where Raven and Geneva where talking. They're not there. „I have to go." Nadia said and left. I'm wondering where's she going. I started leaving Nesryn screamed at me. I turned to him and he was running. „Hi." He said with smile I smiled at him and behind him was Alexander but he was going somwhere and didn't see me. „Where was you?" „We were for water." He said and I wasn't sure about it.


„We'll se what?" I asked Raven when she started leaving. She didn't answer just ignored me. I saw Geneva standing there. What's going on? Hope nothing bad. I want water I'm thirsty. „Come." I whispered to Nesryn while Alya and Ndia were talking and we disappeared. „Everything here is suspicous." Nesryn said and looked around. „Or we are just new." I told him with hope. I don't know what I have to think. Liar, traitor, killer... You don't have to remind me. These days it's getting worse and I know it'll be worse. I have less sleep, can't think, eat but I'm trying. I have the veins on my arms and don't know what they means. I have no idea how to use my powers. I can show you. Ofcourse! And you'll murder half people and especially Raven. I would never forgive to myself. I 've done too many bad things. „What you think?" Nesryn asked suddenly and pointed on the table full of water and food. „Sure." I didn't even think about it. We brought some food and water. And I saw Geneva how she waits. For me? „Alya is here." Nesryn said. I didn't answer I'm too focused. She smiled at me and I don't know if I did something bad or didn't it even. „Can we talk?" She asked and I want simply say no but I have to be politely. Or? I don't remember when I was politely. „Sure." I lied becuse it's pissy me. „I want to help you. You have powers and don't know how to use them because you're scared." I'm shocked. Did Raven told her something? She would never. „Come with me." She said and I followed her. I forgot how to speak.


I didn't tell Alya where I'm going. I don't want her to be exicted. I saw here a girl yesterday. She was staring at me and I was at her. And she was after me and gave me a paper where she wrote that we have to meet today by the big tree. She didn't write when but I'm sure she'll see me. I'll see the tree I know why she wrote tree and not building. That tree is huge. I'm here. She isn't here...yet. Everyone is looking at me why I stand here. I look ike a freak. But it doesn't mater to me. I see her. She looks really beautiful. Has really short her it suits her, has similiar suita s mine. „Hi." She greeted me with a big smile. „Hi." I smiled at her too I want to look nice. „Lux." She introduced herself. „Nadia." I smiled again. „Do you want to go for a walk?" She asked. I would like to see more of the village. „Sure." I answered simply. I have to admit, I'm probably ashamed. She too probably. „How you get here?" She asked. „It's a long story." „I have a time." She smiled mischievously. So I started telling her our really long story how we wanted go to swim like a normal kids and then we woke up in the psychiatric hospital. „And we didn't know it was a hospital we still thought it was a game." She looked really interested and it makes me happy. „You came with friends." „Yes. They are more like a family." I said the truth. I was still telling her story and then decide to introduce them.


Geneva was asking some questions. And she brought me to her house and told me to wait. It kinda suprised me when I saw her coming with Alexander. He came tome really fast and sat. „Did you tell her something?!" He whispered and sounded really mad. „Exactly about what?" I whispered. „Powers, voice, veins"- „No. Ofcourse I didn't!" We were whispering until Geneva brought a chair. I understand Alexander doesn't trust me but I promised to him as I promised I'll find his and Nadia's family. „Raven didn't tell me nothing about you Alexander." Geneva said calm. „Then how you know that?" He asked her. „I just guess." She said it and It sounde bit like me. I use to say this for tricks or lying. „Everyone has problems. You have powers and voice. And you dead brother." She pointed at me. Jax isn't my only problem. I want stand and cry or scream. Why she said it like that? I swallowed my tears with the cold voice and anger said. „How you dare to talk about him? Jax isn't my only problem." I told her. Alexander looked at me but I don't pay attention to him. „Right. Your problem is everything and everyone. You don't know when to stop. You can't sleep or eat because you think you deserve it. You have problems with the anger, trust. You miss your old life." I stood up because I can't anymore. How she knows?! Who the hell tell her my darkest secrets. I run away and started crying after a really long time. Alexander was all the time behind...

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