first meeting

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We went to sleep, I was lying in bed, truly I am worried abou Caspian. But she wont kill him, or hurt him because she needs him. Alexander came in he is still looking bad, but he isnt dying. Raven did great job, like always. „You arent sleeping?" Alexander asked me with the smile on his face, I gave it back to him." No, I was thinking. But Im going to, you should too." „Yeah, Im on my way. Good Night." He said and left, I was just smiling. I was asleep when I heard voices...


I woke up and Nadia stood over me: „Im here, youre okay. Youre safe." I was confused at first but then I realized I had another nightmare. Alya entered the room, she was scared obviously- Alya is the youngest she was nighteen, Alexander is the oldest he was twenty six, me and Nadia are the same age we are twenty two. „What happend?" She asked and was watching at me. „It was just...another nightmare. Im okay." I said, truly I dont know if Im okay I never did. The nightmares are haunting me, they are about Jax, death, that I killed someone, Khalida... I was always scared of her, but one day I stood up to her, before Jaxs death. I am suprised tha Alexander isnt there, he knows whats going on and therefore he wont come in. They left. And I fell asleep but I woke up, I heard strange sounds, I didn hear the heart so I went after Nadia quietly: „ Nadia?" she was still sleeping so I repeat:"Nadia!" still nothing, so I started suffocating her with my abilites."Nadia?" „Yeah...she catches the breath."Im okay, I was just asleep." „Okay... Im glad that you are alive but... Nadia there is something." „Something." She was confused yeah me too, I didn say anything I just nooded my head. There was really something. But then we got in explosion...


I woke up, I didnt know what happened but we exploded...a while I was lying in a big pain, I tried get up and I did but I fell. I was just sitting there and waiting for something, but then I realized I dont know wgere the others are. I was looking for Nadia I found her she lay motionless. „Nadia! Nadia!" I screamed and she woke up I was so glad she was alive. „Alya? Im here." „Yeah I know. Wait Im coming." I came, but then I heard that a scream... I went to the window, Nadia noticed. I saw them I saw Raven and someone else, I froze. Nadia came to me and she froze too, we looked at eachother, we didnt say anything. „Is it her? Is that Khalida?" I nooded wit my head I was scared Nadia was too. She was fighting with Raven, Raven was bleeding, she tried to heal herself, but Khalida punched her again. „She needs our help." I said bravely, i was still looking at them. „But Alexander.." „Look I have a plan," I felt like a hero but Nadia was the hero I was just a young girl, not anymore, not today, for Raven, for Jax... „you are going after him, and I... Im going for a gun." „Absolutely not! We are going together." I wanted but the need help. „I know Nadia, but if we are going together one uf them will be dead."I really felt like a hero, but I hope I wont be dead. „Fine." She said sadly and left. I took a gun and loaded it here for sure.


I though Im dead again, but obviously Im not. Nadia ran to me, my guardian angel. I was on the floor, i fell from my bed. „What happend?" I asked because she was breathing heavily. „We got into a explosion. Alya is going after Raven and Khalida." When I heard this I though Im really dead, she was really there she came for her. „Im coming...what Alya wants to do?" „I dont know she was really breave, she said we cant go together." God, help me. She is just a girl, she doesnt know how to use gun or knife, but we will see. Everything hurt me, but I got up Im still limping. „I need my gun." „Ok, where is the?" „In the first dawner." I said, pointing at the dawner. She gave it to me, I load the gun and we went after them, but the we heard a gunshot...


Before the explosion, I heard soething in the kitchen I couldn figure out what is that. I went after Nadia and then I saw him a man, a tall man I think he was young because I didnt see his face. He was putting something on the floor, and we exploded...I woke up because someone was beating me. I opened my eyes... it was her...Khalida she came after me. There was a loud whistling in my ears, and the anger in my, I bit my toungue so I woldnt scream at her. „Good morning sweatheart. Nice to see you again." She said with that smile on her face, every second with her is killing. I tried to look behind, but someobody held me, I think hes the man in the kitchen. „You are so quiet. Whats happening? You arent happy of our meeting?" She wants to play a game, her game. Mine just will start. „Truly no. But if I may ask for what you need Caspian? And the men fake Elijah and Niklaus, tell me abou your plans." I said, looking into her eyes, they were brown and cold. Khalida was a young woman with black hair, she has a cold eyes and with the most horrible smile on the world. „Sweetie"- „Dont call me like that." The man laughed. She started again: „Raven, Capian is just the...marionette, Lucius and Runen help me with this and want to achieve theirs, but you know them by others name." I knew it, both of them are shapeshifters. „Niklaus and Elijah. I have to admit it was perfect, but we came after it." „You did, but it was late. Now hold her." She ordered him, I didnt defend myself, I deserve it. I had enough, but the I heard a gunshot, I opened my eyes and I looked in the direction which he had come from. I didn believe... it was Alya standing there with gun in her hands she shot Khalida, I saw Alexander an Nadia coming too. I dont have a time to think about it. I thre him to the ground and lowered his heart. Then I dumped Alya with my ability. She just looked a tme scaredly, I got up. Khalida heald herself, she was ready for fight, but I wasnt and I dont know if I will be. As I stood I got bullet a  too...

-this is interesting... i finished this part late at night im going to sleep

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