Part 29

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I feel bad for Raven and that girl. I don't know her but I will. „Does she have name?" I ask. Everyvone looks at her. „Helia." Dalya answers deeply. She sits on her chair. „Raven can you hear her heart?" She asks. Raven looks at Helia and thinks what to say. „No." „And you think she still..." Still what? „I don't know if yes her powers are different." She is the blood manipulator and reason why Raven left. „Why her powers should be different?" I ask. Dalya and Raven look at me then at eachother. „Later Nadia." Raven asnwers me without interest or even looing at me. I just nooded. Alexander isn'tr saying anything. He is thinking. „Drink?" Dalya points glass at us. She doesn't now what to say. „I want." I told them. Alexander looks at me like I was drunk everyday. „We should go." Alya told and stands up. „Sure." I put glass down and do same thing as Alya. Alexander gets up and helps Raven. „If something scream or send your gorillas. If she wakes up come afters us." Raven is pointing at Dalya and Helia. Alexander looks madly at gorillas and we start leaving. In the midlle of the way I stop Raven and ask her. „What's wrong with her?" I hope she understands who I mean. Raven doesn't talk with me.She looks deeply to my eyes and sighs. „She was experiment." I look like I don't understand. „Why?" Alexander asks he sounds tired. „We don't know." She starts walking heavily. Sometimes I'm amazed that Raven is working like a robot. She doesn't show pain, sleep and her special are emotions. Yes, I saw her crying maybe two times. But if my sibling died then I'm not here anymore.


We want to know what happened to Helia. „Why Majesty didn't stop it?" Nadia keeps asking. Raven even doesn't look at her. „I'm sure she wanted but it isn't that easy. There are so many blood manipulators that are experiments. Easily I could be one of them." She looks at Nadia. In her face is fear we can see. In Raven's is just disgust and anger it's everything we can see. „Don't say it." I told her sadly. She looks at me. „Alya world is really, really bad. And that I can be experiment is kinda sad but it's true." She is trying to explain. I stay quiet. I can't have argument with her because I know she will win. „We are here." Alexander points happily at the monastery. „Raven I have something to show you." „Fine." Even she is hurt and looks like is dying. She din't say no to me. In my life no was the answer I heard all the time. But here with Alexander, Raven and Nadia is always yes. I don't know where was my real home with my family. I just know my parents never liked me. And home is eveywhere where are they. We go to upstairs. Alya and Alexander with nesryn stayed in the kitchen. Nesryn was with us? I forgot about him. He is quiet all the time as me. And he is gentle. Back to books. „Library?" She asks confused. „Yes. I found lot of books in different languages and I need you." I point at her, She doesn't look happy of it. Nothing special. I give her book. „These is in Japanese I think. Here." I point at one of the pages. „At first I want you hear in Japanese." She looks at me really dangerously. I don't show my fear. My heart does. Iam scared of Raven beacuse I don't know what everything she can do. I think she will do everything to protect us.


We are quietly sitting in the kitchen. „Why you was pretending like you weren't her?" Nadia asks Nesyn. I can't tell if she is drunk. Nesryn looks scared of hear. „I don't know what to say." He shurgs. „There is another reason?" She keeps asking him. „No.I just Raven and Helia. Dalya too much..." He stands up and tries to leave. Nadia wants to stop him. „Leave him Nadia." I teel her she closes her mouth. You are playing dangerous game. I thought he left me. With them and your life. I try to ignore it but also I want to know more. Who doesn't? He laughs. „We should go to the bed." I try to be alone. „Good idea. We derve it." Nadia tries to be funny and I know she is drunk. You don't know who you are. How powerful you are. What you can do with me! Leave me alone. I go to upstairs and hear Raven and Alya talking. „Is Nadia drunk?" Alya sees me. I shrug. „What are you doing?" I ask them and see Raven how bad and tired she looks. „She is translating." „Chikara ga kuru to aku ga okorimasu." She says. I look at her amazed. „What it means?" I ask her and come closer. „It means when the force comes, the accusation occurs." She sad deeply, madly and tired. She puts book down at the table. „More will be tomorrow promise." She says to Alya. Weakly smiles at her. „Try to sleep." Alya tells her in her voice is something that we don't have. Maybe I'm the only one who can hear it but in her voice is love. „You too." Raven starts leaving. Alya is tryink to look like she wants to read book. She knows that we want to talk. . I don't know what to say. „How Khalida left?" I ask her and see the anger in her. „As always she just disappears. I don't know how she is doing it. At first I thought with shifters but no." I noticed it. „How you've hurt her?" She looks at me and evily smiles. „I threw the knife to her shoulder so she can't use her powers." She likes to hurt her.And the part of her revenge was that she killed her servants Raven calls them like that. „And Helia? She did something to her?" I ask because I don't know much. „I don 't know yet. I have feeling she's hurt her." I don't say anything because we have the same porblem a severy night. I look at her she looks like she is going to pass out every second. „Raven..."

- i want to chnge the name of story but dont know how help. another part out, sorry for mistakes. i will try to post tomorrow. good night.

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