an argument Part 7

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I woke up and slept well here, I heard voices so I went downstairs. I tried to listen what are they talking about I heard something but didnt understand anything. „Good morning." I greeted them, Nadia had breakfest and Raven drank coffe Alexander wasnt there Im sure he is still sleeping he sleeps long. „Hi." Said Raven madly. Why she was angry at morning? I sat, Raven brought me breakfest I got two slices of bread with butter and orange juice. I noticed she was having a hard walking. What did I miss? „Thank you. What happened?" She touched her stomach. „I was training with Lilith." I never heard that pain in her voice. „Training? And thats why you look like you are dying?" I asked ironicly and she gave me death stare. „She was throwing knifes at her." So Raven told her. „She wanted to help." „Yeah, thats why she trew knifes at you. Actually where she is?" I was still eating, Raven didnt say anything she just shrugged. And then another voice came in: „Good morning. What do we have for breakfest?" „How did you sleep?" I ignored his question. „You dont have nothing. Make somheting for yourself." Raven told him easily. „I see you are okay. Im going to make a bread. Where is Lilith?" „We dont know." Nadia said and Raven stood up. „Im going to find Lilith I need talk with her." She left and we stayed alone. I didnt say anything, I went to got dressed.


I stayed alone in the kitchen with Alexander, he was stil eating and I was sitting. I started looking at my arms all of them are having meanings. I was thinking if Alexander has tattoos: „Do you have any tattoos?" I asked he was drinking juice. „Yeah I do, one." „Can I see it?" He nodded and rolled up his sleeve. It was on the shoulder. It was knife. „It was my first knife which I first killed someone. What about this tattoo?" He pointed at the eye on my arm. „This is one of my first and its traditional in my culture." „Interesting." And he is back our sarcastic Alexander. „Where is Runan?" He wont be happy of this. „He ran away." „How?!" He was mad and it was my fault beacause I didnt know he has a knife. „Lilith told us today. He had a knife." The silence beetwen us is killing me so I got up. „Im going for a walk". „Fine." I left.


I didnt know where Lilith is so I went to her room. I knocked at door. „Come in." What Im suppose to say? Im suppose to be mad or scream at her? No, i wont think about it I leave it free. „Hi. I came to say good morning. You werent on breakfest." She was thinking or worried or both. „I know. I have something to do. We are train later." „You will throw knives at me again?" I asked and hoped she says no. „If I must, I will." This was making the anger in me live. „No you wont." I said madly, I didnt remember from yesterday. „You should practice your anger"- „This is making me more mad. What if we used it in different way." „In revenge?" She was right I dont want nothing more than my revenge. „Im going to downstairs Raven if this is all you should go." We were before kitchen, Nadia and Alexander were still here. I didnt control. „No. This isnt all, you should teach me how to treat or basic blood manipulators things and not throwing knives at me." She was just watching a tme and then came closer, she is my mother figure I love her I really do but she take it too far. „I was suprised I beat soul out of you and you werent mad." I laughed: „ I dont have soul." „Raven, I know what Im doing." I was sure Nadia and Alexander were listening. „It is looking like you dont." She was calm with my words, I werent with hers she absolutely doesnt know what she is doing. „Enough Raven"- „No I"- „I told you enough!" or maybe she isnt calm anymore. „It s still me who commands you." I took a breath I thought Im gonna explode there was a lot anger in me.I went outside and sat on an old bench. I wanted to cry again but I cant. Why?. For it will not solve anything. I was thinking about the words she said to me. After a while Alexander came he sat down with me. „I dont know why, but Alex is horrible." I sadly smiled on him he laughed. He hugged me we were watching sunset.


I hugged her we were watching the sunset. It was beautiful I dont know what more if the sunster ar this moment. We dont have a time for moments like this and this ia what make me sad. If people were nice to her she will be nice too, Im not saying she isnt nice but she...isnt. She was going through something, but erybody is- Alya is going through sadness its the most hearbreaking thing see her like that. Nadia she is fighting with fear of Khalida, Raven death of her brother now it was argument her her biggest enemy it isnt Khalida i tis anger, and me I lost my home and my family they left me whn I was three i dont know why I miss them but sometimes I wish we were like others... normal. And this is the moment when I realized that I have feeling fo her. Ofcourse I wont tell her now it isnt the time and I dont wanna destroy this moment. One day I will tell her when the time comes. But whe? Does she have feeling for me? Or we are just friends on the same side? I wish I could tell her right now, but like she said we are not in fairy tale this is the horrible reality and we must just appreciate it... 

-another part is out maybe its shorter  but school sorry for mistakes. enjoy!

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