the truth Part 11

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That boy came out of nowhere and right now. He is telling us about Jax after four years. I don't know if we can trust him. It's true I wasn 't having the best realitionship with him but when he died it was horrible feeling. He wan't first who died in my life. I killed and I will do it again. But when he died I felt something beause when I'm killing people I don't care or I just turn my emotions off. I lost my family- my mom left us she is probably dead, father died and I had and older brother Lucas and younger sister Elysia I don't know wher they are but I hope they're alive. Who knows maybe one day we will meet again, don't know where or when. But there is still hope. When they divided us Elysia was ten, I was thirteen and Lucas sixteen. The letter Jax wrote to Raven or us is the reason why he gave up. Why he let her won. He said by himself that he was dying slowly and painifully. He didn't want to fight anymore... Raven opened the neckalce and said he found someobody. We din't know who so I ask: „Who he found?" I was really interested about this thing and Nadia and Alya too I see it on them. „Our..." she tried to not broke. „our mom." I left my mouth open. I thought their mom is dead. I though Raven was last, alone. „What?" Nesryn asked I was mad at him and I don't have a reason. Raven didn't say anything she just watch at the picture in the necklace. „Isn't she dead?" Alya asked I thouht that too but obviously not. „No. I mean I don't know she left us when we were two." She could be dead but Raven doesn't know about it.


I couldn't believe it he really did it .He really found her. But what f she is dead? Does she know that her son is dead? Does she know I'm diffrent? Probaby yes. I think this was one of the reason she left us. Nesryn was his bestfriend and he din't tell me about him? I din't know he had bestfriend or was sick. If I knew it I could help to him we coud. No. He said in the letter we can't and this was reason why he gave up. Whole the time answers were here. And that new we have a mom. She was pretty at the picture but she can be older or dead. But I hope not. I don't know her name or name of my father, where we lived, where they raised us before the monastery. I really want to feel normal time with family but at the same time I know I can't. Maybe mom will not accept me. I am starting with training and then I will find everything about her. Or what if I don't wanna meet her? What if one part of me hate her? And the other loves her? It's too much. I need go to sleep. I should care about Nesryn he was Jax's bestfriend so he is my friend. Did I really thougt this? I'm starting to be emotional.„You can stay here." Everybody looked a tme in shock. „Oh... Thank you. Tha's nice." I didn't know what I'm suppose to say so I was being me. „Iam not nice." I am doing this because of Jax.


Did Raven just let him sleep here? I was suprised because it's Raven but at this moment she was crying so that was a reason why she let him here. Nesryn is really tall but not as Alexander, but Nesryn is younger. He is just more handsome, more cute, more... more everything. I realized that the most beatiful and stupid thing on the whole world. I fell in love with him. . Or maybe I'm just tired. I was lying inbed but it's get worse. He was on my mind. Where are he from? Does he have a family?Am I on his mind? Probably not. Iam glad. Rrally am I gald? No I'mjust upset and tired.It was too much crying today. Then Nesryn left my mind and the book came. It can wait. I was lying to myself because I want to know more about it. Who wrote it? Lilith? Majesty? Somobody more powerful? Khalida was standing behind Lilith. When I realize she was walking trough monastery, eating here, sleeping, studying. And then she grown up and became the monster. There was a thought tha is haunting me. What is the same thing will happen to Raven? Or she won't make it? ? I really trust her I do but she saidby herself there is a chance. But it's different because she doesn't care.She hasn't the fear of death, she can control the death. She is death. Ravenhas so many names like: manipulator, protector, fallen angel, walking death butmost famous of them is bloody demon. She doen't want to be the Majesty. But she must it's her purpose. I knew my parents and I still remember them. They weren't kind to me nobody is or was. They were mean so mean. Thy were hitting me even though I din't do anything. I left when I was fourteen and got on my own. . And after two years they died. No one did tha funeral to them I didn't have siblings. I did the funeral from my last money. One year I lived like homeless and then Nadia and Alexander found me.


I went to Raven's room I knocked and she invited me in. I don't know I should tell her. . „What's wrong?" She asked sleeply, „Did I wake you?" „No. No I was just lying." She said to me she was looking diffrent. She was looking kind. I know we aren't kind, we can't be. I took a deep breath, she was staring at me. „Raven there is thing." I stopped and she came closer to me. „What?" She asked. „I wanted to tell you before but there wasn't time." I got nervous and I can barely tell she saw it on me. „We have a time," She said and I don't know if this was a good idea. There isn't another way. „I am..."

-another part school is tomorrow good night and enjoy the story

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