family meeting Part 23

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I was suprised when I heard a bell. I didn't know we have a one. Iam standing infront the doors looking at the men. Three tall men,in black suits, one of the has sunglasses. „Is there Nadia Zyanya, Raven Reyes, Alya Whitlock and Alexander Finley?" The man who is closer to me asked, he has glasses. He takes it off. Alya is looking at me and Nadia is ready to fight. „Who is asking?" I said madly as always. The man looks at me. „We can't tell you but you will see. You need go with us." He is elegant. Someobody rich sent them. But who? „We aren't going anywhere." Alexander said and comes closer. „What about Nesryn?" He whispers and we look at Nesryn. He is sitting on the couch looking at his hands. I noticed that all men have guns. One of them it holds. „Put the gun back! You know I can easily kiil you." I said to him he looks at me. Man with sunglasses turns to him, he doesn't say anything. Iam sure he is the boss. „Iam gonna ask again who sent you?" Alexander said angrily. He holds his arm, it hurts. It's already outside. Why the came now? Nadia comes to me and whispers. „Why we just can't kill them?" „It's my job." I gave her death stare. „We should go with them." I said everybody look at me like I'm crazy. Sometimes I act like that. Alexander took my arm and goes away from them. „Raven you don't know what are you doing. They can kill us." He is right I don't and they kill us. „I have plan and you are the leader." I left standing him there. I go to Nesryn. „You okay?" „Yeah..." He is scared about us I understand. „We will be fine." He smiles weakly. „I know careful." I heard this somewhere. „You are talking like my brother." He laughs. „I was his friend." I was his sister and Jax left me there, alone. I don't think about it. „Can we go?" Man with sunglasses ask. „Yes." Alexander said and is nervously looking at me and Alya. Nadia stood behind him.


I don't have a good feeling about this. It's middle of the night and we are going somwhere where we've been never before. With three meno ne of them tried to kill us... no. I don't know what he wanted to do with his gun but it wasn't something good. We left monastery and go to the nearest river. It isn't far from monastery. I was walking there. We left Nesryn alone in monastery. I feel bad. We are by the river. There's huge ship, black. I don't know if I want go inside. Nadia doesn't look herself and she is assasian. We are inside. It is looking like a normal ship. Until one of the men opens the door. There is a room in black, with woman. The room is almost black but it has one gold wall and chair the woman is sitting at. There are also four another chairs for us. The woman has cigarette in her hands and has cat on her knees. She is older but pretty, with really red lips, her hair is down and black. She is wearing dress, black ofcourse. „Sit." Said man with sunglasses and point at chairs. We sit. Iam sitting next to Raven and at the other side is Nadia. The woman smiles. „Sorry."Puts out a cigarette. „My name is Delaney Helavia." Pretty she introduces herself. She smiles at us but Alexander doesn't look very happy. „What do you need?" He asks her and looks at her. But Delaney is looking at Raven. „Well... I heard you have a blood manipulator..." She stops. Raven doesn't say anything she just stares deadly. „And?" Nadia joins this conversation. For what she needs Raven? Nothing good. „I want her." Iam so scared and Raven can feel it. She could easily kill herand the men. Or? „It's great you want her, but she isn't for sale." Alexander said. Raven looks at him. She didn't say anything. I will freak out. Delaney gets up and comes to us.


I already hate her. My arms hurt so bad and I don't know why. And what is worse Raven didn't say anything. Delaney gets up and is coming to us. „No... I don't want to buy her. I have lot of many." She smiles evily and stands before me. „Then what you want?" Alya asks her voice sounds so painful. She goes to Alya. „Maybe I want you too. You look so special." I don't know what to do. We can't fight her. We don't know how many people are on ship. But her name I heard her name somwhere. „Leave her alone." Finally Raven says something. Delaney comes to Raven. „You know why I want you don't you?" Delaney start smiling. Raven isn't looking at her she is looking down. Why? Did they meet? „Raven?" Nadia is curios. Everybody is. „She..." Raven stops and looks at Delaney. She is still smiling but not evily. „She is my mother." I gasped everybody heard that. Ofcourse I heard her name in the list when Nesryn came. But the word Raven said were painful maybe she is angry at Delaney because she left her and Jax. But my mom and siblings did too. The pain in my arms is horrible. I can feel something running through my black veins. „She is what?" Nadia asked she can't believe what she heard. I can't too. „Iam her mother."She said proudly. How she found us? How she found Raven after years? She is kinda looking like Raven and the smile. And I didn't notice. „It's middle of the night. Why you came now?" Alya asked pointing aroud. . „How you found us?" Raven asked her trying to be calm. „I was following you months. You are really famous." „Am I?" Raven is playing with her, she doesn't care that's her mother. „You and you friends were fighting with Khalida not once." She didn't forget about us. We are still fighting with Khalida. „You found me right?" How she knows about it? Raven told it just to Alya and I heard that. „How you know about this?" I asked faster than Raven. She looks at me madly. „I have people around." She answers. But no one else was there. „I know..." She said sadly looking at Raven but she doesn't get it. „Know what?"She sits back at the big chair. „I...

-we have another part. this was fun to write. school started today i don't have time for anything. but good night

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