Alexander Part 13

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I don't know what to say. I was standing here and looking at them. But I should go after Raven she can help me I don't have idea how but she will try. „It's gonna be okay." Nadia comforted me. It doesn't help but she is trying. „I know." Iam lying to her and myself. Actually I don't know if everything is gonna be okay. I can just hope. I smiled at them and left. Raven si probably training. I don't how she is training but nevermind. Am I suppose to knock? Raven let me in. I'm sure she heard my heart. „You came." She said with the evil smile. „I shouldn't?" I said insidious. This is really big. There are weapons everywhere. The paving is stone. And I smell something strange like a blood. „Is that really a blood?" I asked really suprised because I thought she is training moves or something. I wasn't thinking about blood. „Yeah. You are suprised?" She asked me showing me the bucket of the blood. She is evily smiling like a always when I don't know something or I'm dying. „Is it your blood?" I was pointing at the blood. Raven sighed I'm sure she is tired. „Part of it." „Part?" I asked. „Mhm. Blood manipulators been collecting my blood since I was here. For case." „And the other part?" I asked and waiting for her to respond. „Normal people. Their blood is from hospitals." This is... disgusting. But I think blood manipulators save everyvone's ass. „Fine. Do you wanna stand here or... we should do something?" She asked. Truly I wish I wasn't here. I don't want to know more about my powers. Last time I used them I was just a kid. „We should do something." She is thinking. „Do you want to go outside?" I didn't imagine this answer. I don't know what to expect from Raven. „Why not." I am acting bored. We go to the garden. I don't have an idea what are wo gonna do. We were walking when I aksed. „So we are gonna just walk?" I asked. She smiles evily. Again! „If we must." „And if we don't?" I don't want to walk I want to practice. But I'm sure she has a plans. „We don't. I'm gonna show you something." I knew she has a plan. Raven knows this place the bset. After a while we come to the most beautiful garden I ever seen. It is huge. Nadia told me about it.


I saw Alexander and Raven in the garden. Through the window. So I called Alya. „We are stalking them." I don't care if we aren't or yes. „Alya we are just watching," I said calmly. „and nobody is gonna know about it." She looks at me scardly and madly. „You know Raven will?" „I don't care if she will or not." We stayed quiet and then Alya asked again. „How she's gonna help to him?" I didn't hae a time to think about this question. „She will. She find the way." „We should open the window." Alya said and started opening the window. I was smiling evily but proud. They are talking about something but we didn't hear them until now. „How do you wanna help me?" I can say Alexander is scared. But Raven is thinking. Alya looks at me she wanted to say something but Raven stopped her. „How you used your powers?" I want to know this too. „I dont't know it's been seven years ago. Remember?" „You don't remember how you used your powers?" She asked. He smiled. „Like I said this isn't gonna end up well." I said to Alya she laughs. „Uhm. Fine. Listen you weren't using your powers so that means you are dying... slowly." She was right about this. I heard when people or creatures aren't using their powers they are dying. When they are using they powers they can live and hundred years. If Raven will be Majesty she will be alive a long time. „What about it?" He asked. I wanted to scream at them but I'm sure Raven knows about us. „You" she stopped and turning to the Alexander. „are scared of them." I don 't know what Alexander thinks but I'm sure Raven is right. „Maybe..." He doesn 't know what to say. „We should do something." Alya said I don't wanna do something. „I wanna rest and listen them. It's actually funny." It is. I think Raven doesn't have an idea what she is doing. But she never has and idea what she is doing. Alya looks at me madly. They are still talking. „ aren't suppose to think and be super mad. You have to be uncontrollable." Raven said to him. I don't see to their faces but I can say that I see fear in Alexander's eyes. „This is dangerous." Alya says to me. Well it is but we aren't in fairy tale. I caught my self smiling. This think is funny to me because Alya sees the world like this. I don't judge her. Because sometimes everybody is feeling like in fairy tale.


I don't know how I am suppose to make him mad. Alya and Nadia are listening us a longer while they are scared. Truly Iam too but I don't let myself to know it. „What if something went wrong?" I was thinking about this too but I didn't find an answer. „Iam blood manipulater." I am proud of what I said. But how I make him mad? I don't know much about his family. I was ready to start but hi stopped me. „Wait! Raven", he comes to me and touches my hands. „if something went really, really wrong... or I hurt you or someobody else. Hurt me or you can beat me." This was kind. He was romantic at moment. I should be playing the game. „I told you who I am." I said wit evil smile. „You showed me too." I am not proud of all my decisions but some of them saved our lifes. „Am I still a witch to you?" I was always witch to him even he was diffrent. „We are on the same side." „You know what are you supposed to be?" He is scared of himself. I know this feeling. But if I'm suppose to be scared of who I am then we are dead. „Yes." This yes was cold and painful. I didn't know what to do. So I will do what I know the best. Beating him.And being myself. „You didn't help us when we were dying." We are circling. He is staring at me deadly. „If you showed them your powers you could be someone better." I was thinking about what to say. I sould play on his emoions. „You couldn't be a killer! You could still have a family!" I am listening to his heart. He is getting angry. I hope I won't die this way. „We couldn't be here!" I am getting closer to him. „What are you gonna say?" He was staring. I shoved him. And again. At moment I felt like the wind is getting up. He is quiet. So I shoved him again. He fell. I was standing over him. I didn't want this way. I started. I am standing over him and beating him. „Alexander!" Nadia yelled. I already hate myself. Then he pushed me away. It wasn't him who did. It was wind. He gets up, me too. I looked at him. There is so windy. Around Alexander are thunders. He is extremly mad. His nose is bleeding. I was standing there don't know what to do. Nesryn ran out of the door. „No!" Me and Nadia yelled at him and Alexander. But it was too late. Alexander...

-hi! this is longer because tommorow i won't post anything. enjoy. sorry for mistakes!


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