Chapter 7

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"E.j.", Slenderman said as he sat down, "What's today's itinerary??"

"Well, we were planning to go and ask Sonic.exe and Tails Doll of they want to help us with our Hellspawn problem. They'll make a great help since they're both fast.", E.j. said as he eat what seems to be human kidneys.

"I want to help!", I said as I stood up abruptly, which apparently surprised some of them.

"Deary I think it is best for you to stay here.", Trendy said.

"What?!", I said as I smacked my hands on the table, "Oh come on!! I'm going to stay here forever?!"

"Deary calm down and sit.", Trendy said. "We're not imprisoning you here. We just want to keep you safe."

"No one is safe with those things around. That's why I want to help to get rid of those.", I said as I gritted my teeth in anger and determination.

"You'll just get in the fucking way so stop being a stubborn shithead and drop it!!!", Jeff shouted at me and stomped away cursing.

"What Jeff meant it that you do not have fighting skills as much as us dear (Y/N). We cannot forgive ourselves if we failed to protect you.", Slenderman said.

"I'll be able to forgive myself.", Masky said casually.

"MASKY! That's harsh.", Hoodie said.

"No it's not. It's just the truth. And if she can't handle that, I doubt that she can handle herself in front of a Hellspawn.", Masky countered.

"Ok. Fiiineeee. I get it ok?? I'm not strong like you. In fact, I am not strong at all!! That's what your saying is right??", I told Masky, tears threatening to spill on my eyes.

"Yup.", he casually said, popping the p.

I glared at him and ran upstairs and looked for Splendy's room. It's kind of obvious where it is because the door was fabulously spotted with a lot of colors. I opened the door to see Splendy lying down on the bed and Offender sitting beside him.

"Get out and leave us alone.", I angrily ordered Offender. I didn't know why I wasn't scared. Maybe I'm just bold and daring.

'Or stupid', my inner demon chuckled.

'I do not fucking need your compliments right now.' I replied to it as Offender exited the room chuckling.

"(Y/N) honey why are you upset??", Splendy asked me. I sat down where Offender was sitting before and wiped my face furiously with my hands.

"Shh shh dear it's ok.", Splendy reassured, "You can tell me everything."

"They didn't want me to come with them since I don't know how to protect myself.', I said sadly.

"Oh do not be like that (Y/N). They were just trying to protect you for your own sake.", Splendy said.

I was silent for a while. And said "Jeff said I'll be a burden if I came with them.", I said as I hung my head.

"Oh don't ponder much about what that jerk said. Jeff can be harsh sometimes.", Splendy said.


"Yes dear?"

"Do you think I'm a burden to anyone??"

Splendy was sort of shocked at my question, but that shock quickly faded away.

"You are not a burden to anyone (Y/N). I am definitely sure of that.", he laughed, "Actually I am the one being a burden here. I can't move my tendrils, my feet, my arms, basically almost anything because of my wound."

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