Chapter 30

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That's Colin^

Paige giggled happily as she clapped her hands, and a huge-ass golden pencil appeared on her hands. Tony laughed deeply as she held out his hands, palms out. Two clock-hand-swords appeared on his hands.
The two of them charged at the Hellspawn, giggling and laughing as they do so.

"For Colin!!~", the two of them cheered as they stabbed Hellspawn left and right.

"I ain't letting them getting all the kills.", BEN said as he fixed his tie, and charged after, a sword in hand.

"Kills...", Jeff scoffed. "What is this? A game?", he said, scowling.

"Life is a game.", L.j. said with a smile.

"Shut up.", Jeff said, "You're not you when you became deep and shit.", he said as he ran after BEN, knife drawn.

L.j. grinned and charged at the Hellspawn too. I laughed at the scene, and charged after them, whip in hand.


"And that's the last one!~", Paige said as she took her pencil out of a Hellspawn's torso.

Tony faced the direction where the three gates stood.
"You heard her Zalgo!", Tony said with a wide smile.

"What are they talking about?", I asked as I wiped the Hellspawn blood on my face using my sleeve. Shrignold rest his hand on my shoulder.

"We are not the only ones that dwell here (Y/N).", he said in his calm, soothing voice. "There was a lot of Teachers a way back, but when Zalgo became active again..."

"He decided to pick the Teachers one by one, seeing them as a possible threat.", L.j. said as he stood beside me.

"However, the Teachers are immortal, so they come back to life after a few days, months, years, it depends.", Shrignold said.

"And you'll see one come back today!!~", L.j. giggled like how a girl would if senpai noticed her.

The three gates closed with a creaking sound. It then disappeared as quickly as it appeared, only the faint metallic smell and a fuckload of Hellspawn corpses were left from the attack.

The Carnival was quiet for a minute, only the creaking of the Ferris wheel and the flapping of the pastel-colored banners can be heard.

And then the static came.

The sound of static filled the air, so loud we had to cover our ears. Silver pixels came flying out of nowhere and started to swirl around a spot where we are all looking at.

We all stared intensely as a figure of a man emerged from the pixels. For a moment, it was glitching. It seems like it was deciding what form should it take. A moment later, a mass of white hair became visible on its head, and then the trademark smile of the Carnival appeared on its face.

The pixels died down, and it left a man standing where it was spinning a while ago. He was wearing a long-sleeved polo with black strap-on suspenders, accompanied by a colorful bowtie. He was wearing black slacks and a pair of white pointed loafers. His hands were also covered with white gloves, like Tony. But what I liked best about this guy is his eyes. Under his rectangular glasses are his heterochromic eyes, one of them being red and the other being green. Very techie-look if I might add.

"I'm a cOmPuTeR! I'm a COmPuTeRy GUY!", he said as he threw his arms in the air. Tony and Paige cheered, even Shrignold raised his gloved fist on the air.

"EveryTHING mAde out of BuTtOnS and WIreS and I'd lIke to show YOU-" he said as he pointed to BEN, who gave him a weirded-out look in return "- inside mY DiGiTaL MIND!!"

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