Chapter 14

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"If you kids wanna talk, you can do that on the way", Trendorman said as he dragged a big sack behind him.

"Where are we going?", I asked him.

"Since they know where we stay", Slenderman butted in, "We will need to move to avoid this kind of situations."

"Oh! I have to get Harebuster!", Jhoanna said and she ran off. I was going to run after her but Jeff called me.

"Hey (Y/N)...", he mumbled, "Thanks...", he said, his voice barely audible. I looked at him in shock at first, then I smirked.

"Naw it's okay...", I said waving my hand dismissively. He nodded and went to BEN. Jhoanna came back, holding a red, gold-encrusted box.

"What the heck is that?", I asked her. I tried peeking what'd inside but she blocked my way.

"This is my Harebuster and I'll only activate him when I need to.", she said as she placed it inside her bronze backpack.

"I think it might not fit you know...", I said uncertainly. She just smiled and popped the box inside easily.

"Well this ain't a normal backpack.", she said and she reached inside her backpack, pulling a chainsaw, "This is a gift from Vexon.", she said smiling.

"Who?", I asked her curiously.

"Demon of the Forge.", she said as she plopped the chainsaw back in the backpack. I nodded and we walked out of the what's-rest-of-the-Slendermansion. We jogged to catch up with the rest of the Creepypastas, who walked a little earlier than us.

"Hurry up Slowpoke!", Jhoanna said as she ran past behind me. I grinned as I ran to catch her. I'm just really happy that we survived, even if the mansion was destroyed.


Hey. Always look on the bright side, no matter how fucked up the situation is right?

We kept on walking/wasting my life energy/hiking deeper in the woods until Slenderman stopped in front of a huge oak tree.

"We can camp here for tonight no?", Splendy said as he started unpacking the sack Trendy was dragging.

"Yes. I think we can settle here for tonight.", Slenderman said. Offender turned to us. "Well you kids can probably settle down. Do your own shit.", he said and he walked off. The Pastas just shrugged and started going through the stuff they brought with them.

"Uhh Jhoanna? Did you bring any tents or something?", I asked her.

"No. Why would I?", she said, "L.j. got it covered."

Right on cue, Laughing Jack laughed and a poof followed. I coughed and waved the smoke out of my face. As I opened my eyes again, a big-ass blacj tent was set beside Laughing Jack, who was wearing a tophat and holding a staff with an orb perched on top. He waved the orb and the tent's door lifted themselves up.

"C'mon on c'mon in folks! Welcome to 'The Tent Of Happiness and Fu-"

"Bullshit.", Jeff deadpanned and he walked inside the tent.

"Come on L.j., every damn time? This is getting old." Masky said as he followed Jeff inside, Hoodie trailing behind him. I walked to L.j. and patted his back.

"Don't worry. They're just grumpy.", I said. I leaned over his ear and whispered, "Maybe it's that time of the month again no?", I whispered and he chuckled. I laughed along as we, together with the rest of the group, entered the tent.

It looked like a normal circus tent, but the bleachers were gone and it was completely empty except for a cozy campfire in the middle of it. It set of a homely aroma, sortof like aroma candles, but this candle was bigger and it produces white intoxicating smoke. Everybody started settling in, except for the Slenderbrothers who went to a corner and started to have an intense discussion of who-knows-what. Except for Splendy, who was just joking around with them.

I followed Jhoanna as she sat down around the campfire. She started to bring pillows and sleeping bags to each of the Pastas.

"Here's yours Jeff, L.j., BEN, Eyeless, Toby here's yours aaand here's for you guys.", Jhoanna said as she gave Hoodie a sleeping bag for two.

"Oh here's ours' see?", Jhoanna said as she brought out a black sleeping bag, "We share okay?", she said.

"It's like Grade 5 camping all over again huh?", I asked her grinning to myself.

"Hahaha seems like it.", she said, "L.j. manage to include a tiny restroom their.", she said as she pointed to a little tent, "You can go wash. Here are some clothes you can change on.", she then handed me a pair of pants and a (f/c) shirt. I thanked her and washed the shit out of me. That includes blood, dirt and some slimy thing that came from those flying things that attacked us.

After I washed, I automatically went to the sleeping bag and cuddled inside.

"Hey Jhoanna,", I called to her, "Mind if I hit the hay? I'm tired as fuck.", I said. She gave me a thumbs-up and I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Okay.. before you go rampaging towards my house with pitchforks and torches, let me talk.

I am SO SO SOOOOOOORY for not updating. Shit's getting busier and busier around here. I am also sorry for a short chapter. I'll (probably) make the next chapter longer that this of 'course and it may or may not contain some action. Maybe. Grrr...

I hate myself.

So yeah. I'll dig into my schedule and I'll hopefully find some time yo update a not-shitty chapter.

This one is probably the shittiest I have wrote so far.
But I solemly promise that I will make the next chapter better and not-full-of-crap, unlike this one.

Right after I get over my writer's block.


You can march here now...
I'll be upstairs, sulking, waiting for the doom to come...

I just realize. I say probably a lot...

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