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"How are you?" Felix asked Han later that night. "I mean- after I go home do you think you're going to go back to the Straykids members?" He asked.

"It took alot for me too leave. And that's what's funny to me; it's so hard to leave- until you do. And then it's the easiest goddamned thing in the world." Han chuckled.

"And I was actually thinking... if I can open the portal, I was hoping you'd let me go with you? I've always wanted to see the Light Dimension." Han said.

"It might be a 1 way trip." Felix reminded him as Han nodded. "I'm willing to take that risk Felix." Han said with determination as Felix sighed softly.

"Then you can stay with me. My friends would love for you to join us!" Felix said as Han's eyes filled with hope.

"But are you sure you want to just leave the others." Felix pushed again, as fun as it would be to have Han with him back in the Light Dimension, he didn't want him to make a decision he would regret.

"It'll hurt, but to hell with that! Nothing can hurt you if you don't let it!" Han said raisng his fist in the air.

"And plus I can always learn to open the mirror portal again and just jump back if I wanted too. I am like the smartest person in this dimension." He bragged.

"Well in that case- let's get back to work." Felix said. "I wonder if the others found a cure yet." He asked to no one in particular.

"Or better found the base." Han laughed. "I still can't believe we haven't found it yet. It shouldn't be hard to miss." Han said as Felix gasped.

"Han." Felix said.
"The reason I wanted a cure so bad, my friend back home is infected back home." He said as it was Han's turn to gasp.

"That means- there's sound monsters in the Light Dimension?!" Han yelled and Felix nodded.

"That's how I got here, I was being chased by one and fell into the mirror the day I ended up at Straykids base." He explained as Han slapped his arm.

"You didn't think to tell me sooner dummy?! You know what this means right?!" Han asked.

"That the base probably isn't here, but in the Light Dimension."

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