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"What's the message?" Adam asked and Draco shrugged his shoulders. "She wouldn't say, she doesn't like the idea of you talking to them." Draco said. "I'm very much aware of their thoughts." Adam said. "It was hers. His their step father." Draco said and Adam raised an eyebrow. "She always called him dad, she never once hinted he was anything but her father." Adam said. "You always won't let anybody think mum isn't your mum or me your brother." Draco said. "Point taken. I'll be down shortly." Adam said and Draco shut the door behind him. "Maybe I should go check on Anne." She whispered softly. "She's with Harry. She's safe." Adam said. "I'm not worried about her not being safe, I'm worried about her napping. She hasn't napped in a while." She said. "I'm sure she's okay." Adam said and after a pause, she eased to lay on her back. "So what...I'm just suppose to stay here? How can I add my problems to yours?" She asked as Adam laid down on his back beside her on the bed. "Because...I do like you, and you shouldn't have been forced to marry the man, because you had a baby." Adam said and she shrugged her shoulders. I was fifteen, your girl was at least eighteen. They never believed me." She whispered, before he slowly locked his hand on hers. She slowly locked their fingers together. "I believe you." Adam said and she smiled lightly.

Lily pulled on Narcissa's pants. "What's the matter sweet girl?" She asked and she pointed at Harry. Lily frowned and Narcissa lend down picking up the toddler. "Is daddy not feeling well?" She asked and Lily nodded. She didn't know why he didn't feel good, but just knew her daddy didn't feel to good.
Narcissa ease Lily on her feet by the couch. Harry was sweating a little bit and looked pale. Narcissa eased her hand on his shoulder, giving him a shake. He let out an uncomfortable noise before started to gag. She quickly rolled him into his side. "Adam! Come here please!" Narcissa called for.

Adam help Harry on his side, as Harry temperature just got higher and he was vomiting. "Call an ambulance, let them know about the back injury." Adam said and she nodded, hurrying to call the ambulance before she came back with a small kit to clean off his face. "I don't understand what happened, he was just fine a couple hours ago." She frowned. "He could just be hurting real bad or maybe...Anne carried a virus. She is going to preschool and was napping pretty close. Harry is at risk right now because of the injuries." Adam said. "I hate to think a little girl for Harry this sick, that quickly." She frowned, resting a rag on Harry's head.
The sounds of the ambulance sent Draco downstairs. "You didn't think to tell me-" Draco started to spat. "You panicking, wouldn't help the situation, Draco." Narcissa said and Draco frowned. He wanted to be mad, but just hurried over to Harry. "His burning up!" Draco frowned. "Just go get the paramedics. Be sure they are aware of his back injury." Adam side and Draco nodded.

"I'm feeling better." Harry fussed when he woke up in the ambulance. They were still in the driveway as Harry was getting a couple readings done and the I.V. on it's second round. "We should really find out why your temperature spiked, Mr. Potter." Said one of the paramedic and Harry let out a sigh. "I didn't take my pain killer, okay? I don't like it making me so foggy and I was moving more then I should. I'm guessing it shocked my system." Harry somewhat huffed. "Then we should get a look at your back. The yard full of children, boyfriend and others care about you." He said and Harry sighed again. "Can Draco come with me then? I really dislike hospitals..." He whispered and after a moment of hestation, he nodded.

Draco gave Harrys hand a kiss, sitting beside the hospital bed Harry laid on. "Why didn't you take your meds?" Draco asked and Harry let out a sigh. "I felt okay this morning...And I don't like the fogginess, of the sickness to my stomach Draco. I want a level head, okay?" Harry sounded almost annoyed. Draco have Harrys hand another kiss. "I understand it's difficult, Harry...but you have to take care of yourself. You got really sick because you pushed yourself. Lily was worried, very worried." Draco said and Harry let out a sigh. "I didn't mean to worry her...or anybody...It's just... Frustrating." Harry said softly. "I know Harry, I do. I'm sorry I can't make it better, but we don't want anything to happen to you, please understand that." Draco said softly, before the nurse walked in. "This will take about an hour, Mr. Malfoy. Another nurse or myself will come find you once he is back in his room, okay?" She said. "Why can't I just wait in here?" Draco asked and after a moment. "You'll have to stay put, I can't have you wondering the halls." She said. "I'll stay put." Draco said, turning to give Harry a light kiss. "I do understand Draco, but that doesn't make it any easier to accept." Harry said.

Harry was brought back to the room a little more then an hour later, half asleep. Draco just shook his head when the nurse went to wake him. Draco eased the door shut behind her and turned the lights off in the room. Harry needed his rest if he was comfortable enough to sleep. Draco slowly tucked the blanket around Harry who mumbled something. Draco couldn't understand what he said. "Shh. Sleep." Draco said, placing a light kiss on his forehead before sitting down in the chair. "...U...can't" Harry mumbled more clearly and Draco raised an eyebrow, walking over to the hospital bed. "... Stop...it... Ginny...please." He mumbled and Draco frowned.

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