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Adam let out a sigh and slowly climbed out of bed. He walked over to the closest and opened it. He eased down to a box on the floor and slowly opened it. Adam and Abby were young, but they had been a couple since they were fourteen years old. He picked up a picture, the last picture he had. The picture of her hands resting on her belly. She couldn't wait to meet their son, but because she was scared of what her parents would think. She had stop taking her medicine, and never told anybody. She worried about the heath of their son, and wanted to do what was best for him. She never thought to tell the doctors she wasn't taking them, so when they gave her the medicines when she was in labor? It was to much. It started her heart, and they kept her heart beating long enough to get their baby out. Abby, who only wanted to hold her boy, never got to. She died officially, the second Koda was born. Koda wasn't even suppose to be his name. Koda was a name she wanted, but he convinced her to agree to name him Matthew. Matthew Adam. When she died? He was quick to name his son Koda. Koda Andrew. The name he wanted didn't matter. Koda was the only thing he had left of a woman he really cared about since he fourteen years old.

Richard woke up the the beeping of his hand gun safe. He changed the code and Adam couldn't figure out the code to the gun safe. Richard was pretty sure it was about that time his son's medicines be changed around. Adam went into a deep depression when she died, Koda kept the big going, but Richard wasn't stupid. Adam was young and emotional and didn't always handle the feelings the best. Adam could easily hurt himself. He had a history of it, removing form the abuse his birth mother put him through. Richard turned on the lamp. "Adam, go to bed." Richard said, but Adam just tried another number. Richard climbed out of bed and eased down beside his twenty year old son. Adam was ain tears, the locket Richard hadn't seen in a while in his hand. Richard just eased the locket out his hand and put it on his son. "You need to lay down, Son." Richard said, pulling Adam to his feet. Adam opened his mouth to speak, but Richard shook his head. "Your going to bed and calling your doctor in the morning. Understood?" Richard asked and Adam slowly nodded.
Narcissa yawned waking up. Her newborn girl fussing for her milk, but Narcissa arm was being held onto tightly. Even in his sleep he didn't want his mom, the woman he counted as his mom, to leave him. He needed her, more then words he could say right now. Richard was already picking up the little girl. "What happened?" Narcissa asked, grabbing the light blanket and put it over her shoulders. "A rough night. His missing Abby real bad. It gets to him sometimes." Richard said, easing the girl down to Narcissa. "Have you called his doctor?" Narcissa asked. "I will, if he doesn't." Richard said, placing a light kiss on her lips and slipping into the bathroom.

Draco gave Harry a light kiss on the cheek. Harry still laid asleep on the bed, but Draco had to get up. He has to get the children off to school. They couldn't wait until school was out for Christmas break, but that was still a couple weeks away.
Narcissa had breakfast going, because Adam woke up and wouldn't let her go back to bed. He also really didn't talk this morning, he hadn't. Koda could feel something was wrong with his daddy and sat on his lap, sucking on his pacifier. Draco just walked past the table to over to his mom. "Mum?" Draco said softly. "it's a rough day for your brother, son. Wake the children? Breakfast should be ready soon. I'm sure lily is ready for more pancakes!" She said and Draco smiled lightly. "She is always ready for your pancakes, mom." Draco said, before he went to wake the children.

The school aged children soon were gone and Draco got out the playmat. He sat Koda down on it. Rose, Lily and Anne quickly join the baby and started to play with some toys, as Draco turned on the television.
Adam was told to join him on the couch. Narcissa had to shower, and her boy would be fine Draco.  He wasn't very happy with that idea, but slowly eased down beside his brother who turned on some family friendly movie thought caught the attention of Anne. The four year old girl. The daughter of Tiffany who went back to bed after she had some breakfast. Anne climbed on the couch beside Adam and started to watch the movie. He smiled lightly at the girl and gave her a small pat on the head. "Talk to me?" Draco said softly and Adam just shook his head. "Be fine." Adam mumbled. "Maybe if you talk about it, it will help." Draco said. "Unless you can bring her back, I don't care to talk about it. It's not going to help!" Adam bitched out.

Draco took his bother by his arm and pulled him to the bathroom. A place Draco kept his wand and pulled it down. "I can't bring her back, but I can show you memorizes. Not only will it keep her alive for you, it will make Koda learning about her, easier. I know it can't be easy, but Adam...You can't let it get the better of you." Draco said softly. Adam tucked his hands in his pockets. "Dad... doesn't know...But she was my wife. We had eloped a few days before...he didn't think we should, because the idea only came up because of the baby..." Adam admitted.

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