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It took a couple days before Richard could get it everything arranged to take the three boys, to him, out to the shoot rang.
Adam quickly picked back up on it, but kept calling home to check on Koda. He hadn't been away form his boy very long since he was born. Richard ended up holding his hand out for Adam's phone. "Dad." Adam fussed. "No. Koda is fine. He is with your Mum. We came here to practice and that's what we are going to do, okay?" Richard said and after a pause, Adam handed over his phone. "Now, help your brother, I'm going to aid Harry." Richard said. "Alright, dad." Adam said, before he walked over to Draco and Adam walked over to Harry. "I don't have to explain the gun to you, do I? I did with Draco and Narcissa both." Richard said. "No, I grew up in this world and also attended Hogwarts. My knowledge is well, but I haven't fired a gun before." Harry said. "No worries. It would be easier to show you the way you'd have to, so, let me grab a chair." Richard said. "Very well." Harry said.

They spent a couple more hours at the range, before Richard felt satisfied enough to go home with the boys, feeling the could at least property fire the gun in case of an emergency. Richard wanted them to start coming back once a week, and they agreed.

Narcissa had lunch going when they got home and Adam was quick to pick up his little boy. Koda giggled out and nuzzled to his daddy's neck. "Did they tell you when they were coming back to get Rose?" Harry asked. "Hermione and Ron are out for the weekend. Molly will take her when she drops the boys off tomorrow." Narcissa said over the sound of the popping hamburger meat. "Nass, that's too hot." Richard said, joining her in the kitchen.
Harry felt the kiss on his head. "Do you need to rest?" Draco asked. "I'm actually okay." Harry smiled lightly. "Then I'll get us set up on the couch." Draco said and Harry nodded, before wheeling himself over to the couch. "We can't get to comfortable, your mum is cooking lunch." Harry pointed out. "I'm aware." Draco said, joining Harry in the living room, and they soon sat on the couch. Draco's head was resting on Harry's shoulder, who had a light grip of Draco's hand. Draco was feeling drained. He didn't sleep well the night before, and the sound of the gun firing was still ringing in his ears. He had a mild headache and was taking the opportunity to rest in the quietness of the living room. Their time in the living room was soon up, as Narcissa called everybody for lunch. It was spaghetti.

Koda was confused when he was put in his highchair and a some spaghetti cut up was sat on the plate before him. Adam just smiled and held a small spoon full to his mouth. Koda after a pause, took a bit. He liked it and giggled and clapped his hands. "He liked Spaghetti." Adam smiled as they all started to eat their breakfast. "James and Albus coming back tomorrow?" David asked. "They are." Draco said. "I can talk to Molly, and see if I can't get it arranged for you and Destiny to also visit." Harry asked. "We...aren't her family." David said softly. "You two are her family now. I'm sure she'd be happy to have you two come over." Harry said and David nodded. "Okay." He replied.

"Do you care to run a hot bath?" Harry asked, that night, once they got into the bedroom. "I'll run a bath." Draco said, lending down and giving Harry a kiss. "Do you need anything else?" Draco asked. "No, just a hot bath will be good." Harry said. "Alright."

Draco lend over and gave Harrys forehead a light kiss a little while later. Harry fell asleep in the bath water. Draco really didn't want to wake Harry, but he was almost certain Harry couldn't sleep in the tub, it was likely going to cause more damage then not. So Draco got Harry some sleep clothes ready, before he walked back into the bathroom and put his hand on Harry's shoulder. "Harry." Draco said softly. Harry made a small noise. "Harry." Draco said again, lening down and placing a kiss on Harry's head. "Hum?" Harry yawned, but slowly opened his eyes. "Let's get you tucked into bed." Draco said softly. "Okay." Harry yawned.
"Is your back feeling better?" Draco asked. "Yeah, it's feeling better. I didn't mean to fall asleep in the tub." Harry said, as Draco slowly climbed into bed. "No, it's okay. I'm glad you were able to get comfortable enough to sleep, I really am." Draco said, placing a light kiss on Harry's cher. "I almost hated to wake you, but I didn't feel like it would be a good idea to let you sleep in the bath." Draco said. "Overall? No. I want to snuggle anyway." Harry said and Draco smiled lightly.

Narcissa eased opened the bedroom door to their room, to see Draco and Harry asleep. She then shut it back, and went to check on the remaining children. David and Destiny were asleep on the bunk beds, and Narcissa turned off the lamp by the bed before shutting the bedroom door. She walked to the nursery, The babies and Rose were all asleep, and she felt a kiss on her cheek. She smiled lightly turning to Richard. "All asleep." She said softly. "Good. Come to bed." Richard said, grabbing her hand and she blushed just lightly, letting Richard take her to bed.
The only other one awake was Adam, who sat up in the bed. Tiffany, laid asleep beside him. His almost girlfriend. He was thinking about making her his girlfriend, but he wasn't sure. He still loved his last girlfriend,  the mother of his Son. It was painful and the twenty year old man.

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