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"Yes, I do." Adam said. "So yes, your going to leave Koda with your mum and you boys are coming with me, tomorrow." Richard said. "Harry should be able to shoot, even in the wheelchair." Adam said. "If he's up for it, sure." Richard said. "I'm going to get them." Narcissa said, getting a quick kiss form Richard before she disappear up the stairs.

"Molly, Hermione, Ron and Little Rose are waiting, boys. Harry, you know Draco only told them because he cares about you." Narcissa said, after she opened the bedroom door. "I'm aware of his reasoning, but there was a reason why I didn't want to tell them. I didn't find it worth it, nor did I want the children to hate their mother more." Harry said, but Draco still has his stop on Harry's leg, who was sitting in the wheelchair. "I understand, Harry. We all do. However, it didn't go the way you planned. They won't to talk to you. Maybe you can get the help you needed and Molly can see her grandchildren." Narcissa said and after a sigh, Harry nodded. "We'll be down in a moment. I have to get more clothes on." Harry said.

"Harry...I am sorry, I just...I couldn't believe she'd do something like that to you. It really bothered me." Draco whispered as Harry was putting the rest of his clothes on, dress for the winter day. "I... understand, Draco. I just...Things aren't so simple in my head and I didn't want to deal with it." Harry said, getting a kiss on the cheek. "I'm right here, so are your children. Molly, Ron and Hermione I am sure will support you." Draco said. "I don't really need support, I just want it forget about it. Is that so wrong?" Harry asked. "Yes, and no. Richard is a really good psychiatrist...He helped me in a lot of ways. He says it isn't good to just burry problems, but he does understand how it isn't as simple as people want it to be." Draco said and Harry let out a sigh. "I doubt I'll see a psychiatrist, but...I suppose I will talk about it...later, let's just get this over with." Harry said.

Conversations between Harry and the three of them happened. The memories pulled from Harry and turned over, against Harry's recommendation. He REALLY didn't want to be responsible for Ginny going to Azkaban, but Even Molly agreed Ginny had not right to torture Harry in the way she did. To the point it made magic unable to heal the injuries done to Harry's spine. That wasn't at all acceptable and there had to be consequences. Harry then took Molly to the bedroom James and Albus were using, along side David and Destiny half the time. The boys light up. "Grandma!" They both smiled and hurried over to her. She got a double hug form the boys. They had grown a lot in the last two years. "Do you guys want to spend the weekend with Grandma?" Harry asked. "...I want to see grandma, but we were suppose to play T-ball with some friends form school, with David and Destiny was going to try." James said. "When is that suppose to happen?" Harry asked. "About nine Sunday morning." James said. "How about just tonight?" Harry said and the two boys looked at one another. "Okay, what about Lily?" James Albus asked. "Not this time, but soon." Harry said. "Thank you, Harry." Molly said and Harry smiled lightly. "Your welcome, I'm sorry I kept so out of touch, Molly." Harry said. "Don't worry, Harry." She replied.

"Harry, have you ever went to the shooting range?" Richard asked. "I never got the chance, why do you ask?" Harry asked. "Dad is taking us to the range...and I hopped you would come with?" Draco asked. "Your mum okay with watching Rose?" Harry asked. "Yes, I'm okay with watching the kids. Hermione and Ron are dropping Rose off this weekend. They want to go out." Narcissa said. "Mama. Rose has to learn to not baby slap Koda." Adam pointed out and Narcissa chuckled. "She just got jealous." Narcissa said, but ruffled Koda's hair. "She hit Ko!" Adam fussed. "Who didn't even let it bother him, but yes. I'll try and work with Rose." Narcissa said.

Harry laid on his back in the bed that night, his hair still slightly wet form the shower he took. Draco was currently finishing up his shower. Harry didn't bother with more then just boxers. He was a little achy. He really should have sat in some bath water, but he just sat in the shower taking a sitting down shower, because that's all he could do. By the time Draco finished his shower, he could see Harry was hurting somewhat. Draco found his pain killers and Harry took one before Draco opened a new box. "The doctor said this would help. It's a heating pad." Draco said and Harry nodded lightly. Harry was soon laying half asleep on the bed. The heating pad on low and the pain killer did help a little with the aching of his back. Draco eased the blanket over him and placed a kiss on his cheek. "I...love you Harry." Draco said softly. "I...love you to...join...me?" Harry yawned and Draco smiled lightly. "Let me check on the children, and then I'll join you." Draco said.

James and Albus were gone, so their bedroom was empty. Draco opened the door to the bedroom Destiny and David were sharing and finished tucking the two kids into bed, who were asleep, before he turned off the lamp and exited the bedroom. He picked the sleeping Lily up off the couch to take her to the toddler bed that kept in the room he shared with Harry and Lily. Draco carefully tucked Lily into bed, before he turned off the main light and slowly joined Harry in the bed.

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