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"So, it's a little more difficult then dad's knows, but that doesn't change the outcome. You can't...loose yourself, to your thoughts. I know it can't be easy, I get it...But today? Dad is worried, very badly. You need to get some kind of piece of mind, brother." Draco said. Adam just put his hand on his locket. "I still love her ... how am I suppose to start over? With a woman who really needs some love and care, and her daughter. I don't know how...to love somebody else." Adam whispered. "Tiffany will understand, but you have to tell her what's going on in your head. You need to call your doctor, as well. Dad is worried and so am I. You were trying to open the safe?" Draco frowned. "I...got lost to much in my head...I'm feeling better then I was before." He admitted. "I don't care how you are feeling, now. You felt to bad, and that shouldn't be happening. Please, call your doctor? We don't want anything to happen to you, okay?" Draco said and after a sigh. "Yes, brother." His whispered.

Draco gave Harry a light kiss. Harry was sitting on the couch, two sleeping girls beside him. Lily and her new friend, Anne, were taking a nap. Anne was a little old to be napping, but Lily was her new best friend. She didn't really play, yet, with the other children, so when Lily took her nap, Anne wiggled under the blanket with her.
Harry smiled at his partner and pulled Draco to sit on his leg. Draco smiled, taking his sit on Harry's leg, giving him a light kiss. "Are you sure Anne is okay? Tiffany seemed worried about her taking naps. Seems, it was something she stopped doing a long time ago." Draco said. "I asked her, Anne, that is. She said she gets lonely when Lily is taking her naps. So, she rather take a nap to. Tiffany still thinks something else is going on, so Richard is getting her into see a doctor. I don't think anything more is going on. Anne is a sweetheart." Harry said. "Tiffany...seems to have went through a lot. Maybe she's just worried. I know I don't want anything to happen to any of the children, so I understand where she is coming form." Draco pointed out, to get a light kiss back. "I suppose that is true. The...children will be asleep at least an hour ... can I talk you into doing something for me?" Harry asked. Draco nodded, and helped Harry get up the stairs, leaving the two young girls asleep, on the couch.

Narcissa opened the front door after hearing the knocking about three that afternoon. She smiled and Rose was quick to reach out for her. "Hi, big girl!" Narcissa said, taking the girl into her arms. Rose giggled and nuzzled to her. "Come on, inside!" She said to the young couple standing there. "I was hoping to talk you into keeping her the evening?" Hermione asked. "We was hoping to see some pictures show. It's the last night of showing, and it would be easier if she just stayed the night. She would just be fussy if we have to wake her." Ron cut in. "Of course! I hope you two have fun this evening!" Narcissa said, holding out her hand for Rose's diaper bag. "Thank you, so much." Hermione said, as Ron handed the woman the diaper bag. "You're welcome." Narcissa said.

The lot was called down for dinner about seven that evening. Draco and Harry had been upstairs, more of the afternoon, Narcissa kept an eye on the children. She felt no need to interrupt their time together and she was happy to watch the lot. Adam was still a little dependent on his mom. Adam was feeling better since last night, but still wasn't himself. Narcissa lend down and kissed the top of his head. The sixth month old Koda was shocked. He didn't get his kissy and fussed out. Narcissa turned and chuckled at the baby sitting in his high chair. "Now, I did not forget about you, Noda!" Narcissa said, leaning over and kissed the baby's cheek. Koda giggled out and clapped his hands. "Who wants to help the baby eat some Mac and cheese?" Narcissa asked. "I'll do it, grandma." David said. David did his normal thing with Koda, picked him up out his highchair and sat him on the table to feet him. It was easier for David to feed the baby who really liked his Mac and cheese. "When did rose get dropped off?" Harry asked, taking a bit  of his dinner. "About three! I tried to offer tea, but I couldn't get them to come inside. They were talking about a picture show, but it seemed early for a picture show, didn't it?" Narcissa asked Harry. "Some theaters opened about lunch time. It's cheaper, during the earlier hours. Fridays and Saturdays are more expensive. Along side any midnight showings of a new movie, but it is something quiet enjoyable. I haven't actually been in a while." Harry said. "We should go to the movies, then, daddy!" Albus said and Harry smiled lightly. "I'll See about that happening soon, alright, buddy?" Harry said and Albus smiled. Albus really liked the idea of a movie day with his daddy, and new family.

Harry was relaxing in some bathwater when Draco lend down and kissed the top of his head. Harry's eyes half opened. "still...awake." Harry said. "Your getting too relaxed, Love. We should really get you tucked into bed. I'll get the heating pad. I already have you some warm jammies on the bed, waiting." Draco said and Harry yawned. "Very..well." Harry said.
Harry let Draco tuck him into bed, because he wasn't feeling the best. Harry was real achy suddenly, the pain killers all out his system now where he hadn't been taking anything the last few days. He didn't want to.

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