Chapter 3: The Sun

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Yunho has always enjoyed music. Whether it's singing along, dancing along, or just listening to it while at one of his job's. He was flipping burger patties in the back of the restaurant while singing along to his new favorite song. "Ice Age" by MCND, he was vibing in the back of work losing himself to the music. He jumped slightly when he was tapped on the shoulder from behind. Pulling out his earbuds but still clearly hearing the song, making him realize how loud it had been the whole time.

"You know what the manager said about listening to music while on the clock." His coworker Changbin said, shaking his head disapprovingly, "Anyways your shift is done, I will take over from here."

"Thanks Binnie." Yunho said with a smile.

"How's your mom doing by the way?" Changbin asked, with a look of concern on his face. This instantly wiped any sort of smile from Yunho's face.

"She's uh... not going to get better anytime soon..." Yunho said quietly, "The doctor's gave her a 6 months left, not even sure if she will make it that long."

"Fuck cancer." Changbin said, "Look man, I'm here if you need."

"Thanks Binnie, and yeah... fuck cancer. Seeya tomorrow."

"You work again tomorrow... that's like the tenth day in a row, get some rest man." Changbin said, genuinely wishing he could help his friend.

"I can't, without my mother working we have no income, I am actually looking into picking up a second job, along with my busking of course."

"You still doing that?"

"Yep, actually going to do some tonight, after I stop by the house to change. You should stop by, I'm gonna be in the plaza."

"Will do. Now get outta here before the big boss man makes you stay."

"Alright, I will seeya later." Yunho said, earning a nod and wave from Changbin. He's happy he has a coworker like him. His only friend really, and the only one who he feel like truly cares about him. He has known Changbin as long as he can remember, and Changbin was always there for him, almost like a protector. Yunho smiled to himself thinking about his friend as he got on his bike and began to ride home. He had to stop by the house to get changed so he could go to the plaza and start busking. He does it for the money, sure, but also to clear his head. Dancing to the music allows him to escape reality and be somewhere else. As he was thinking about the playlist he would dance to, he felt his front tire begin to wobble before hitting a bump causing him to flip face first over the bike and landing hard on the ground. He groaned in pain, which was followed by another groan seeing the flat tire on his bike, a nail puncturing the wheel.

"More money I will have to spend..." Yunho mutters to himself, trying to calculate the expenses for the month. February just started and he already feels like it has been the longest year of his life. It could always be worse, he could live somewhere that actually gets snow. He gets chilly from having the freezer open too long. Thankfully he lives far enough south the weather hardly gets below sixty degrees. He gets up, wincing as he has to put pressure on his ankle which got twisted when he fell. He picks up his bike and begins to walk the rest of the way home.

When he finally gets home he parks his bike on the porch and enters the house. Going straight to the bathroom to take some painkillers and wrap his ankle. While also washing the dirt and dried blood from the few scrapes he got during the fall. After he was done in the bathroom he went to peak his head into his mother's room. She was sleeping soundly. Something she hardly gets to do anymore she's in so much pain it makes it hard to sleep. He goes to his room to get changed and then quickly to the kitchen to make himself food before he leaves. He will have to carry the stereo in one hand and his bag in the other. While trying to get a mug so he can get some caffeine in him (a guilty pleasure of his) he knocks over another mug that falls out of the cabinet and shatters on the floor.

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