Chapter 28: Finding the Son of Hades

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Mingi's POV

Mingi had woken up again. He was still in the same padded room with no windows. He's lost all sense of time and doesn't even know the day. He didn't have anything to eat and he was going insane. The only sound he heard was the vent opening up and the sleeping gas being administered, which knocked him unconscious again. He usually wakes up for a few minutes and realizes there's nothing he can do. He wasn't able to sense anything he could use his powers for, so he just went back to sleep. This time Mingi woke up, it was different. He could sense something. Someone was dying near him. He sat up quickly and tried to focus on the force, his grogginess making it more difficult than usual. Who could be dying? Did his members find him? Are they being killed? Negative thoughts overwhelmed him along with his anxiety. Is Seonghwa okay? Is Wooyoung safe? No. They can't be. Mingi felt the soul slip away and quickly replaced himself with it. His surroundings went dark, and then he opened his eyes. He saw his friends. Seonghwa, Wooyoung, and Yeosang. They were in a cell, trapped behind metal bars. They looked terrified of him. Then the memories came rushing forward. He's in Ryujin's body. She was just killed. Mingi witnessed Ryujin's final moments, her body giving up as Seonghwa slowly killed her. Mingi was shocked by the darkness radiating off of the son of Poseidon as he murdered Ryujin.

"Seonghwa, she came back to life..." Mingi heard Yeosang say from inside the cell. He doesn't realize what's really happening.

"No... it's not like that." Mingi said, using Ryujin as a conduit.

"Mingi?" Seonghwa slowly stood up, his jaw on the floor.

"Yeah... It's me." Mingi said awkwardly, wondering how to process this dark side of Seonghwa he just witnessed.

"So you're okay?" Seonghwa asked running to the metal bars.

"Um... I think?" Mingi answered back, searching around Ryujin's waist for anything to help get them out. He found a keyring with a few keys around it. He began trying each key.

"Since when could you control someone else's body?" Yeosang asked, approaching from the side.

"Well I'm not sure... I can sense when someone is close to death. And I can control the dead..." Mingi shook his head after the first few keys failed. "I felt someone dying, so I focused on that force and I took it's place."

"How long does it last?" Yeosang asked his voice laced with curiosity,

"Not sure..." Mingi trailed off, he only had a few more keys left to try. Mingi heard a groan from the back of the cage. His eyes wandered over to Wooyoung, who he had just noticed. "Is Wooyoung okay?"

"Yeah..." Yeosang walked over to the boy who was starting to stir. "Seems like he's finally waking up."

"Wh-" Wooyoung's eyes slowly opened. "Where am I?" He quickly pushed himself back into the corner, frightened by his new surroundings. His eyes widened when he made eye contact with Mingi, who obviously didn't look like Mingi.

"It's Mingi." Seonghwa said with little explanation.

"Hi Woo, how ya feeling?" Mingi gave a soft look towards the son of Dionysus as he tried the last key. Mingi let out a soft cheer when he heard the click of the door unlocking. Seonghwa and Yeosang helped Wooyoung stand up and steady himself while Mingi held the door open for the three men.

"Where are you kept?" Yeosang asked.

"I'm not sure I was unconscious when I was brought in but..." Mingi trailed off and followed his instinct. Despite not being awake when he was brought here he was able to lead them down the hallways with ease. He assumed it's because he's in Ryujin's body. She must have had to navigate the hallways often. They didn't see anyone else in the halls except one maintenance worker who looked at them quizzically. His suspicion was deterred when Yeosang flashed a charm his way. They got to the room Mingi was kept in shortly after. He used the fingerprint sensor, which flashed green, and the room opened. Mingi saw himself sitting in the corner, almost like he was meditating. He suddenly realized how exhausted he felt, he had been in this body for at least thirty minutes and his eyelids felt heavy. He felt the body he was occupying fall to the floor.

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