Chapter 16: The Journey Continues

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Seonghwa's POV

Seonghwa wasn't sure how to feel about Mingi anymore. He knew the kid was drunk so he probably wouldn't remember their conversation anyway. He still didn't necessarily like the guy, but he understood him a little more. Seonghwa decided to go to sleep and see how the Mingi would act tomorrow.


Seonghwa woke up and went to the bathroom to shower. He finished showering and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. He saw Mingi and Wooyoung eating together.

"Hey Privilege." Mingi said smirking, causing Seonghwa to roll his eyes. He's disappointed he thought anything would change between them. Wooyoung hit Mingi on the arm causing the tall boy to yelp.

"I'm kidding. Good morning Seonghwa, hope you slept well." Mingi corrected himself, causing Seonghwa to laugh. It still didn't seem genuine.

"Good morning kid." Seonghwa responded.

"Kid?" Mingi got up annoyed, and walked up to Seonghwa's face. "I was being nice to you, who are you calling kid?"

"Chill out kid." Seonghwa purposefully trying to annoy Mingi, still believing the younger wasn't being genuine.

"Come on Seonghwa, he's trying." Wooyoung said from behind them. Mingi's eyes darkened and it felt like he was staring right into Seonghwa's soul.

"Did last night mean nothing to you? Fuck. You." Mingi asked, filled with anger. He spit on Seonghwa's face and walked out of the kitchen. Throwing a glass on the wall which instantly shattered. Seonghwa was shocked by the younger's actions. He clearly remembers what they talked about and was hurt over Seonghwa's words. Seonghwa looked at Wooyoung who was glaring daggers at the son of Poseidon.

"I didn't think he remembered last night. He was drunk, and I didn't think he was being genuine." Seonghwa tried to look apologetic.

"It's not me you have to explain yourself to." Wooyoung answered as Hongjoong entered the room.

"What the fuck happened here?" Hongjoong asked, instant annoyance in his voice.

"Ask Seonghwa." Wooyoung got up and left the room, Seonghwa assumed he was going to comfort Mingi. Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa awaiting an answer.

"Me and Mingi talked last night. He was drunk so I didn't think he was actually trying to be friendly. So I was acting like I usually do and he got upset." Seonghwa again tried to explain himself.

"Look we only have a couple days until we are on the islands. Can you guys not sink our fucking ship. Now clean this up." Hongjoong spat and walked away. Seonghwa went to pick up the larger shards of glass. Earning himself a deep cut on his pointer finger.

"Fuck, I guess I deserve that." Seonghwa muttered to himself.

After picking up the large shards he swept the smaller pieces up and went to the bathroom to wash and wrap his sliced finger. He went to find Hongjoong in the captain's quarters. Yeosang was sitting in the corner reading a book, Jongho was working out on the floor and Yunho was sitting next to Hongjoong. All four men looked at Seonghwa when he entered.

"Uh I just wanted to apologize for causing all the commotion." Seonghwa said sheepishly.

"I'm sure Wooyoung told you this already, but it's not us you should apologize to." Hongjoong answered.

"I don't really want to apologize to him. I'm still upset about the privilege thing." Seonghwa answered truthfully. Hongjoong got up and walked up to Seonghwa.

"Then don't. Just stop ruining everyone else's time." Hongjoong opened the door to the main deck and gestured for Seonghwa to leave. "Yeosang is teaching us about the Gods so please leave."

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