Chapter 20: The Result of Your Actions

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Wooyoung's POV

Wooyoung was in shock at what he saw. His closest friend, trying to take his own life. San snapped him out of it.

"Go help him, I will get Yunho." San ran down the hall and Wooyoung got out of his trance. He quickly ran to Mingi and grabbed the blood covered glass shard out of his hand at threw it to the side. Wooyoung removed his shirt and wrapped it around Mingi's arm, although the blood quickly started soaking through,

"Mingi what were you thinking hun?" Wooyoung tried to sound soft so as to not blame Mingi for what was going on.

"I just wanted everything to stop." Mingi's voice broke and the tears quickly fell, and they didn't stop. Wooyoung pulled Mingi into him and tried to comfort the boy. Wooyoung glanced at Seonghwa who was covering his mouth in shock, tears also falling down his face.

"Go tell Hongjoong what happened.." Wooyoung spat, venom laced in his voice. San entered right as Seonghwa exited, Yunho right behind San.

"Oh my God." Yunho's jaw dropped, before he quickly scrambled to Mingi, wrapping his arm in bandages. His eyes glowing yellow, the boy obviously using his healing powers.

"How are you feeling Mingi?" Yunho asked while wrapping his arm.

"I'm fine." Mingi responded by pushing himself out of Wooyoung's chest. Wooyoung looked at Mingi's face who was now stone cold. Hiding any emotion he was just showing. Hongjoong showed up at the door of the room, Yunho glanced at him and shook his head, implying the situation wasn't good.

"Let's get you into bed, Mingi." Yunho nodded and gestured to Wooyoung to help him as the two men slowly lifted Mingi onto his bed. Hongjoong came into the room with a broom and dustpan and quickly swept up the mess. Mingi's face was paler than usual in a response to the loss of blood. Seonghwa came back with a mop and began mopping the blood up.

"I'm sorry guys." Mingi muttered quietly.

"It's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong." Yunho spoke up, still healing Mingi. Wooyoung had to leave the room, he found San standing right outside leaning against the wall. San looked at Wooyoung with concern and slowly opened his arms. Wooyoung fell into the hug, weeping quietly. Yeosang and Jongho were also outside the room trying to figure out what happened. Hongjoong, Seonghwa and Yunho left the room a few minutes later.

"He's asleep. Yunho gave him some sleeping medicine to knock him out for a while, so we can figure out what to do in the meantime." Hongjoong said. "I need to talk to you." Hongjoong said, pointing at Seonghwa. The two men left the hallway. Wooyoung glanced at Yunho who also started crying.

"How are you feeling?" Wooyoung asked, rubbing Yunho's arm.

"I'm not the one we should be worrying about." Yunho let out a soft laugh, but more tears started to fall. Everyone slowly went back to what they were doing before, the air feeling very heavy. Wooyoung went back to San's room, not wanting to be alone.

"Hey, I could really use someone to hold." Wooyoung said quietly.

"Of course." San and Wooyoung got into bed and Wooyoung pulled San in close. Leaning into the son of Hermes' body and trying to calm his breathing down. He quickly fell asleep though, the emotionally exhausting situation taking its toll.


Wooyoung slept through the night, when the morning came around he instantly checked up on Mingi. The son of Hades was still sleeping soundly, some color had returned to his face. He went to find Hongjoong who mentioned something about laying down new rules.

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