Chapter 25: Starting the Next Leg

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Hongjoong's POV

Hongjoong didn't depart from the port until the following afternoon. He gave everyone time to decompress and thought it would be best to start the next leg of their journey. Hongjoong had a theory. The next God that was closest to them on the map would be Hypnos, the God of sleep. According to Illusion, the journey would only be three days. Which made Hongjoong anxious. Three days was hardly enough time for them to strategize a plan that Hongjoong would deem acceptable. The only reason they beat Phobos was because of Cerberus, which is no longer an option since Mingi's dog whistle disintegrated after one use. He called Yeosang up from below deck, wanting a second opinion. Of course with Yeosang came Jongho. Yunho was already up here, since he follows Hongjoong like a lost puppy. And for whatever reason Wooyoung came up too, followed by San.

"Mingi's ignoring me." The son of Dionysus huffed.

"One he's not ignoring you...he's watching Star Wars. AND I'm right here..." San whined, wanting attention.

"Yes Sannie, and I appreciate that." Wooyoung cupped San's cheek. "But sometimes I want to hang out with my big dick dilf death daddy... I mean... my best friend." San did not find the joke funny and he instantly started pouting. The pout turned into a smile when Wooyoung gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"First of all. We are trying to have an important meaning. Second of all. When did you two start kissing. Lastly... never describe Mingi like that again." Hongjoong scolded Wooyoung.

"We aren't kissing... I'm just giving him a love tap... with my lips." Wooyoung said flustered. This is the first time Hongjoong's ever seen him act like this.

"Mhm.. Okay. Anyway... the next God we are going against is Hypnos. This isn't an official meeting. I just wanted to know if anyone had any ideas on how to defeat him." Hongjoong explained.

"Well... I could see if I have anything helpful with my nymph potions." San said casually.

"Your what?" Hongjoong asked, thinking he misheard.

"Oh... I didn't tell you guys. I'm part nymph." San smiled slyly.

"Um... No... this is news to us." Yeosang chimed in, scribbling something in his notebook.

"When were you going to tell us Sannie?" Wooyoung asked. "What else are you hiding? Are you part animal? Strip naked. We must investigate."

"Wooyoung! You horny child! If I lost a hair every time I had to scold you I would be bald!" Hongjoong glared at the younger. "San... what can you tell us?"

"Well... My mother is half nymph, a tree nymph to be precise. So she passed some nymphian blood to me. I haven't really discovered any powers that come from it which is why I haven't said anything. Although I swear I had mentioned it before. But when we were on Utopia, Wheein gave me a potion box, filled with all types of mixtures. Um... I honestly forgot about it until I stumbled upon it yesterday after losing my winged shoes. Which I later found out Wooyoung stole from me as a prank." San glared at Wooyoung who just stuck his tongue out in response. "Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked. So there is a book included in the box that has instructions for potion brewing, so I can see if anything there can help." San finally finished his story.

"Maybe I can help?" Yunho piped up from next Hongjoong. "I can read into it with you and since I take more of a supportive role anyway..."

"That could work. Maybe with Yunho and Yeosang's powers you can make some sort of healing potion or a charming potion." Hongjoong advised. "I will look into setting up some sort of potion making station in the storage room." Wooyoung must have gotten bored because he got up and started examining the map.

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