Chapter 33: Let Them Down Slowly

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Jongho's POV

Jongho wasn't upset that Yeosang wanted alone time to read. They still ended up in the same bed together and that's what mattered. Hongjoong wanted to have a meeting when they woke up so the couple ate breakfast together and went to the Captain's Quarters. The room was already filled with every member except two. The only members missing being San and Wooyoung. Jongho had a feeling he knew what this would be about. He observed the room. Hongjoong was sitting at the desk, Yunho by his side. On the sofa sat Mingi and Seonghwa. Seonghwa was quiet and looked upset and Mingi had a guilty look on his face. Yep. This is exactly what he thought. Hongjoong took a deep breath and began speaking.

"I called you all here because I'm sure Yeosang told you, Jongho. I talked to Yunho about it, and I know Mingi talked about it with Seonghwa. Speaking of... how did that go?"

"Well..." Mingi began.

---- FLASHBACK----

Mingi's POV

Mingi knew the conversation would be rough. He mentally prepared himself and knocked softly on Seonghwa's door.

"Leave me alone." He heard from inside the room.

"Seonghwa, please. I wanna talk." Mingi responded with a hint of desperation.

"Well I don't." Seonghwa's muffled voice came from inside the room.

"Well I don't think you could get more upset so I'm coming in anyway because I have things to say." Mingi opened the door, despite the protests coming from the older. When he fully got in Seonghwa pulled the comforter over his head and hid himself from Mingi. Mingi closed the door when he got in and sat in the chair across from the bed.

"Look Hwa. I know you know about what happened between me and Woo, and I'm sorry. It was a mistake and I... I shouldn't have done it."

"Fuck you." Seonghwa said, still under the comforter.

"Why are you so upset? We never made anything official, and we literally hated each other at first." Mingi was starting to get worked up at Seonghwa's irrationality.

"Because." Seonghwa sat up and pulled the comforter off, starting daggers at Mingi. "I thought we did have something. Yes we started off rough. But then you like, helped me with Phobos, and then we spent time together, and I really started to care for you. Did it mean nothing to you?"

"I specifically remember saying we were just spending time together as friends. And it did mean a lot... what happened with Wooyoung was a mistake." Mingi responded, recalling the day they were watching the Star Wars movies.

"And I specifically remember you flirting with me, putting your arm around me, AND blushing when Woo accused us of fucking. Clearly he was the one you were fucking."

"It was ONCE!" Mingi realized how loud his voice had gotten and he lowered it quickly. "And it was in the heat of the moment. And I didn't realize you like me in that way."

Mingi wanted to tell Seonghwa how he really felt. How he wanted to actually get serious with the son of Poseidon but his pride was preventing him from admitting the truth right now.

"Well I do... and I know we aren't anything, but I haven't really bonded with anyone else. I... felt like we had a connection. And I'm sorry for getting so upset. I was hurt. And now, I'm upset that I got so upset."

"And I'm sorry for not taking your feelings into consideration. But, no, you being upset is completely valid. You have the right to be upset and you can take as much time as you need. I am going to need to talk to Woo about this whole situation because I'm 99% sure he is still into me."

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