Chapter 26: A Plan Interrupted

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Yunho's POV

Yunho and Hongjoong were alone in the Captain's Quarters. The leader was stressing out about having to come up with a battle plan for two God's instead of just one. Yunho was looking around the room, trying to come up with anything that could help his leader. He noticed the binoculars Hongjoong was given from Soobin, it was a gift, along with the map.

"Did you ever make use of this?" Yunho asked, holding them up. They were collecting dust.

"I haven't had the chance to. Which is annoying. Everyone got some cool useful item and I got a pair of binoculars I can't use and a map that's only useful if we are surrounded. Which we haven't been yet."

"Well maybe we will eventually? I mean there were a few demigods during the battle of Phobos... I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to carry it around."

"I don't need your opinion Yunho! I'm trying to figure shit out." Hongjoong snapped at the taller one. Yunho looked down in embarrassment and hurt, he wasn't super sensitive but it was different when it came from Hongjoong.

"I'm sorry Yun... I'm just really stressed." Hongjoong mumbled. Yunho refused to look up at his leader until he could blink away the tears that were forming. He heard footsteps approaching closer to him before Hongjoong pulled him into a hug.

"I'm just trying to help ya know..." Yunho trailed off.

"I know. I'm just worried."

"We all are. Let us help you instead of snapping at us."

"Okay... I'll try. Why don't you go see if you can help San with the potion stuff? He seemed to be struggling after we set him up yesterday."

"Yeah... Will do, Captain." Yunho was still hurt by Hongjoong so he took the opportunity to get time to himself. He went down to find San and Wooyoung working on potions.

"Hey Yunho, how's it going?" San asked when he noticed Yunho in the doorway.

"It's going well. Can I help you with anything?"

"Well... we could use some more brain power. We need something to counteract sleep."

"Are we even sure if that will work. I mean it's Godly power..." Yunho trailed off, unsure if all the effort would be worth it.

"No... but we don't have any other ideas now do we?" San responded. "Here, read this and see if you can find anything that could help." San tossed Yunho a dusty alchemy book. Yunho coughed from the dust explosion in his face. He sat down next to Wooyoung, who was thumbing through his own book, and began to read. After about thirty minutes of silence, with all three men working on their own thing. Wooyoung spoke up.

"Hey I think I have something... not sure if it will work but we can give it a try." He pointed at the page and the other men read over it. An energizing potion seems simple enough, like a red bull. San instantly starts to work on it. Yunho decided to continue reading, trying to find something to help with his healing power.


Yeosang's POV

Yeosang and Jongho were in the library. Yeosang was studying up on the Gods while Jongho was working out. The youngest one was annoyed that they moved his workout room to the library since they made the storage room for San.

"I just think it's unfair. I claimed the storage room first." Jongho grunted between each push-up.

"Yes, it's extremely unfair." Yeosang wasn't fully listening, but he wanted to be a supportive boyfriend.

"You're not listening to me..." Jongho sounded annoyed.

"I am... I just have a lot on my mind."

"We all do Yeo... except Mingi and Seonghwa who get to just watch movies all day..." Jongho seemed jealous so Yeosang put down his book, an idea crossing his mind.

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