Chapter 4: The Wisdom

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"This is how I feel about you twilight. It's like twilight, yeah."

Hongjoong could hear the demo of the track he was working on from his headphones, even when they were just sitting on his desk. He begins to rub his temples stressing. Hongjoong lets out a groan realizing he has to finish the demo and send it to the label he applied for. They asked for him to send in his portfolio by the end of this week. The first week of February. His portfolio, though, is one song short. So here he is. Stressing himself out trying to write one. Last. Song. He has the hook and the chorus but hasn't been able to figure out the verses. He decided to shut everything off and take a quick nap. He looked at the clock realizing it's already 5 AM. Another sleepless night. He has to leave for work in an hour. Hongjoong leans back in his chair and sets his alarm for thirty minutes from now. Finally realizing how heavy his eyelids are he closes them. Imagining the day he can put his two weeks in at this office job and follow his dream as a music producer. Marketing Strategist was his official title, but that just consisted of him going to meetings having to pitch new ideas to a different potential business partner every day. Apparently there is a real big shot coming in today. Hongjoong feeling his anxiety rise. He knows he shouldn't complain about his job. He is extremely privileged to have a job of this pay at his young age of 19. He just wishes he could do something he was actually passionate about. Not this boring job where he is being paid to come up with ideas that just manipulate the public into buying their products.

Hongjoong finally begins to fall asleep when he hears the worst sound in all of existence. His alarm goes off. He almost throws his phone across the room in annoyance. Instead he turns the alarm off and gets up to get dressed. Putting on his button up and tying his tie incorrectly. Calling him to sigh, undo it, and redo it. This time slightly less crooked. Putting on his balzer, belt, and shoes, he goes to his least favorite place on Earth. He enters the office building, nodding to each of his coworkers as he walks by. He gets to the conference room where he gets his presentation set up for the potential client, his boss enters the room next, earning a smile from Hongjoong.

"Is the client on their way?" Hongjoong asks.

"She is on her way." His boss responds. "She is a master strategist, so I hope you brought your "A game." We really could use her on our side."

"I will do my best sir. You won't be disappointed." Hongjoong says, trying to hide how loud his heart is pounding. His overthinking is interrupted by a loud knock on the door. Watching his boss open the door to a stunningly beautiful, but also extremely intimidating looking lady. He could feel the authority radiating off of her. She looks at him and Hongjoong stares into her beautiful gray eyes. Quickly averting his gaze.

"My name is Hongjoong, and you are?" Hongjoong asks, trying to stop his voice from quivering.

"Athena." The lady responds, keeping a straight face. "I'm here for a presentation? You want to become partners right Hongjoong? Convince me of your grand strategy." Hongjoong quickly goes through his presentation, trying to keep his calm and confident demeanor. After the thirty minute presentation is over he glances at his boss, who is looking at Athena. Hongjoong then turns to look at Athena, her face being extremely unreadable. She then turns to his boss.

"Can you please leave us to talk in private for a little." Athena says sternly.

"Respectfully ma'am, this is my company. I do not feel comf-" Hongjoong's boss begins to say.

"Leave us." Athena responds, even more force behind her voice.

"Yes ma'am, I hope the talk is good news." Hongjoong's boss glances at him. "You did great today Hongjoong." Then quickly leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. The loudest thing in the room is now the silence between the two people.

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