Chapter 38: Saving Friends and Getting an Upgrade

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San's POV:


San just kept going. He looked back once and then he didn't again until he reached land. It took him a day before he got where he was going.


He knocked on the door and waited for her to open it. The shock on her face was apparent.

"Hey mom."

"Sannie." She held out her arms and he immediately fell into them. The stress of everything he's been through immediately felt like it lifted off his shoulders. So the tears fell. And they kept falling.

"Come on inside honey. It's been what? A month?" She grabbed his arm and dragged him inside. "What's been going on? How's the island been?"

"It's um... it's been good." San said through tears, he couldn't bring himself to tell her about the prophecy. "The island is nice, I've just missed you a ton."

"Well you can stay here tonight." His mother gave him a warm smile and made him a glass of warm tea. "Your room is just the way you left it."

"You could have taken it over." San smiled back, his mother's love for him really made him feel warm. "But thank you."

"I'm sure you are tired honey. Go get some sleep." She walked him to his bedroom and he immediately fell onto his bed. His eyes shut instantly.


He woke up the next morning. Looking at the clock on his nightstand he noticed he slept for at least 12 hours. He smelled eggs and bacon, leaving his room he noticed his mother cooking in the kitchen.

"Good morning love." She said when she noticed him. He walked up to her and gave her a back hug.

"Morning mom."

"The food should be ready soon. Go ahead and sit down." She insisted, though San immediately went to the cupboard and set the table for the two of them. Once the table was set it only took about ten minutes for the food to be finished. His mother grabbed both of their plates and filled them with two scoops of scrambled eggs and three strips of bacon. She also got him a glass of orange juice. His favorite breakfast drink.

Once he was done he took his plate to the sink and rinsed it off, setting it in the dishwasher before returning to his seat.

"So, I need to talk to you." His mother said, her tone noticeably changing. San could feel a small ball of anxiety beginning to swell up inside of him.

"Um.. yeah... what's up?" San asked, unsure of what would be coming next.

"So. As you know, I'm half nymph. Well I didn't tell you this but I spent some time on the island. And... to be frank." She paused, grabbing his hand and looking him in the eyes. "They don't let you visit anyone for at least a year."

San immediately felt a chill down his spine, he didn't want to disappoint his mom by telling her that he abandoned the prophecy.

"So why are you here Sannie? Don't get me wrong, I love having you. But there has to be a reason."

"I don't know mom, it was weird. They just said I could visit." San tried to explain away.

"Now don't lie to me Sannie. You can talk to me, I'm here for you."

"Well..." San's voice cracked. He paused and took a deep breath. "I got to the island, met some people, and we were giving a prophecy. I fell in love with this..." San hesitated at telling her about his crush. Especially since it was a boy that he fell for. "Person. And then that person hurt me. Really bad. So I left... I didn't know where else to go. But I didn't want to disappoint you." San didn't know when he started crying but the tears were falling once again.

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