Chapter 5: The Speed

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San kept one eye on the clock above his professor's head. His leg shaking, his pen tapping, and his mind moving. Time always moved too slow for him. He wanted to run. Win the fight against the wind as he sprints full speed ahead. San was constantly moving and hated being still. Especially when he had to sit still and listen to a lecture... something about the history of the world. This lecture is on Greek mythology. San admits the topic is extremely interesting, especially Hermes, the messenger God. Moving quickly around the world delivering messages between the Gods... even going to different realms when required. His mother always used to tell him all sorts of stories about Greek myths during his childhood and San always enjoyed every second of them. He always enjoyed it when she talked about the speed at which Hermes did things. San could relate to that. He wants to travel. He wants to go all around the world. He needs to constantly be moving. Whenever he is forced to be still for too long he gets anxious. He looks at the clock again... it's only been two minutes since the last time he checked. He swore an hour had passed. The tapping of his pen getting louder until the girl next to him gives him a loud "hush." He was getting irritated. He still has so much to do. He has to drive home, getting gas on his way. Help his mom. Then go to cross country.

"San. Are you paying attention?" The professor asks. San glances at the teacher, quickly nodding, chewing on his fingernails. He probably looks like he's on drugs from an outsider's perspective. Which...isn't completely a lie. He doesn't like to say he does drugs. But between working, school, cross country, and homework... he may pop an Adderall or two to stay awake. Not that it helps him focus much anyways. Sometimes, he feels like his brain hates him. It won't turn itself off no matter how hard he tries. He takes medicine to help him sleep too, but his insomnia just laughs in his face. He is lucky to get 2 hours of sleep a night. He is always wired to one hundred. If his body isn't energized, his mind is.

"San, I asked you a question!" he hears the professor says, angrily.

"Yes. I am paying attention!" San snaps back.

"Excuse you?" The professor glares at San.

"I'm sorry... yes sir, I can assure you I am paying attention." San says, trying to look apologetic for snapping at the teacher.

"If you were, you would have realized I asked a question after the first one."

"I'm sorry professor... can you please repeat the question." San asked, embarrassed by the situation.

"What is the staff usually pictured with Hermes, the Greek God of Speed?" The professor repeats.

"Uh..." San perks up trying to remember the name. Recalling he learned about it the previous night when studying. "It's called a Caduceus."

The professor responds with a shocked look on his face "Correct, good job San... sorry for calling you out." The professor briefly pauses. "The Caduceus is a staff with two wings at the top and two snakes wrapped around the base of the staff. Another popular symbol of Hermes are his winged shoes. He is usually pictured wearing them. These shoes are what allowed him to travel across the realms to deliver the messages between the God's."

San thinks it would be awesome to have winged shoes. Being able to fly quickly instead of running. Giving him the sensation of being quick without being slowed by people or traffic. Maybe he runs into a pigeon or two but that would be lightwork compared to trying to navigate a bustling city sidewalk. He decides to take a chance to look at the clock again, and he is surprised to see he is in the final sixty seconds of the lecture. He overhears the professor saying something about an essay on the cultural impact of mythologies through history being due next week, but that is something he will worry about the day before it's due. He doesn't have time to be slowed by trivial things like homework until he absolutely cannot put it off any longer. Once it hits noon he quickly packs up his things and bolts out of the classroom, rushing home as quickly as possible. He realizes he could bike home... or drive. But San prefers to walk. Well to most people it would look like he's jogging or even running. He thinks of it as working on his breathing control and cardio. He wants to stay as athletic as possible. He doesn't necessarily have the muscle mass but he makes up for it in agility.

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