Chapter 36: Experimentations

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Jongho's POV

Day 1: Jongho opened his eyes slowly, the bright light in the room they were in flooded his vision. He instinctively tried to tug at the tube that was down his throat but the restraints that held his arms down didn't allow him to. He started gagging at the foreign object down his throat, the gag turned into a cough and his body tried to lurch himself forward but there was a headband limiting his movement even more. He looked out of the corner of his eye and saw Yunho tied down next to him.

"Yunho." Jongho managed to gurgle out, trying to wake his friend up. No response. "Yunho!" He groaned loudly, this time he noticed his tall friend begin to stir. He saw Yunho's eyes flutter open. Then the son of Apollo immediately started to panic at being restrained.

"No use in struggling. The restraints are locked tight and they limit your powers." A surprisingly sweet sounding voice said very matter of factly. Yunho stopped fighting his bindings and Jongho tried to look around to see where the voice was coming from.

"Here, let me help you." The voice said. After a few clicks of high heels the figure walked into Jongho's vision. "You can call me Dr. Kenja. I watch over the Chemical Supplements department"

Jongho stared blankly at the lady in front of him. Her brown hair was tied into a messy bun that was complimented well by the strands of hair that fell down the side of her face. She had piercing blue eyes that contrasted her dark skin tone, a pair of glasses sat at the end of a small button like nose. She was extremely beautiful. Jongho wanted to speak but the tube didn't allow him to speak comfortably anyway. Which is probably for the best, Jongho thought, as it would be better for him to quietly listen and take in as much information as possible.

"Now I'm sure you must be wondering why you both are restrained and have these tubes down your throat." She smiled, her shiny braces reflecting even more of the bright light. She tucked the tuft of hair behind her air, the sleeve of her lab coat fell down and revealed a rose printed on her wrist. Jongho knows that the beautiful flower is a symbol of Aphrodite, but Yeosang's marking is a heart. Is it different based on region? Based on gender? Why would the Goddess use two different symbols for her children?

"You seem deep in thought. But unfortunately, I must begin the first experiment." She said softly. She seemed too shy to be managing her own department, but that could just be a façade. "So, essentially. Each day I will be feeding some sort of substance down your tube. The foods will be laced with different chemical compounds that, when dissolved in your gastric acids, will cause different side effects on your body. Which I will then document, and report back to Mr. A" She gave another smile as if taking pride in what she does.

"So for the first day." She paused looking at the clipboard in her hand. "Hold on, this is the wrong one." Dr. Kenja quickly turned around and walked out of Jongho's line of sight. He could only assume what she was doing because of the rustling sound of papers.

"Okay..." She returned to the base of the bed Jongho was laying in. "So today it's just a single pill." She smiled again and held up a singular capsule she pulled out of her pocket. The capsule was yellow on one side and blue on the other. She looked back at Jongho and then glanced over at Yunho. "I unfortunately cannot tell you what it includes, but you will know soon enough. After this, I will be up there." She turned around again and pointed towards a mirror. The mirror stretched across the top of the wall above the door, clearly hiding an observation room. Jongho wasn't sure why she was giving them so much information, maybe she's just confident that they wouldn't escape.

"Anyways, let's start the experiment. The only side effect I can tell you is that you won't need to use the restroom or eat. At least you won't feel hungry. We will feed you once every couple days." She picked up the end of the feeding tube and dropped the singular capsule down the tube. Jongho could feel it moving down his esophagus before stopping in his stomach. As soon as the pill left her hand she looked at her wrist and clicked her watch. "Your turn, you handsome giant." She said while walking over to Yunho, slipping the capsule down his tube also. She then clicked her watch again before smiling at the two men, then walking out of sight.

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