Chapter 15: Bonding

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Hongjoong's POV

After San left the meeting room Hongjoong went back in to talk to Wheein about a few requests he still had.

"What can I do for you?" Wheein asked.

"Well, I was thinking about increasing the security of the ship. Maybe add security cameras or something? Or a captain's quarters? Oh also like target dummies? I feel like that could really help everyone train." Hongjoong asked, not really sure if Wheein would actually be able to do anything for them.

"I will try my best, it should be done in the morning. Also, I wanted to let you know, we are an island for demigods. But, not all demigods come to us. You may have to fight demigods on your journey. You may have to kill people on your journey. Be prepared. Also, come up with a name for your team. It allows for unity." Wheein gave a soft smile. Hongjoong quickly left the room and went to the house of Athena to sleep thinking about what his life had come to. When entering the house he noticed Soobin had fallen asleep on the couch with a loaf of bread in his arms.


"Our team name is Ateez?" Mingi asked, confused. "What does that even mean? Like do we do strip teases?"

"Oh. My. God. No... Mingi we will not be doing strip teases." Hongjoong scolded the taller one despite being half his height.

"I mean... we could." Wooyoung grinned looking at Mingi, causing the son of Hades to burst out laughing. Hongjoong looked over to see San staring at them intently with a clear look of pain on his face.

"Anyway... children. It means we can do everything as a team. From A to Z, we can and will do it all. The "tee" part is because we are all teenagers. Aged seventeen to nineteen, so I thought it fit." Hongjoong said, getting kind of embarrassed at the sexualization of his team name.

"Well, I love the name." Yunho said giving Hongjoong a pat on his back. Instantly filling the son of Athena with warmth.

"Me too, it's a great name." Yeosang added, reassuringly.

"I love it Joongie." The oldest member said.

"Okay, just because you're older doesn't mean you can give me a nickname... I am the leader." Hongjoong tried to stand tall but the members just giggled at him.

"Alright, my apologies. Prince Hongjoong." Seonghwa made a dramatic bow to the leader, which Hongjoong rolled his eyes out despite letting out a slight chuckle.

"Okay, listen. I had Wheein add some features to the boat. She added a security system, the monitor to look at all the camera's is in the map room. Which I am renaming to the Captain's Quarters. Also, if you come over here." Hongjoong walked to the wall that led to the captain's quarters. There was a red button on the wall that he pressed. Once he did, some of the floorboards on the deck opened up and target dummies raised from below.

"This will allow you guys to practice with weapons. I think it would be best for us to have team members who are also ranged. So Yunho, since you are the healer and should hang back anyway. I think you should learn archery." Yunho nodded at the recommendation.

"If I can speak up Hongjoong." Hongjoong heard Yeosang say, he looked at his right hand man and nodded. "I could lead some information sessions on different mythological beings/gods. I'm going to be researching these eight gods a lot so we can figure things out."

"That's a great idea, Yeosang. Information is absolutely invaluable when going against an opponent. Especially one stronger than you." Hongjoong decided not to say anything about having to fight mortal demigods. Not wanting any of the members to worry about the possibility of taking a human life.

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