Chapter 42: Trying to Regroup

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Yeosang's POV

When Yeosang opened his eyes the only thing he could make out was the gray concrete ceiling. His only light source being the glowing arrow next to him, providing enough light to make the darkness around him feel only a little less suffocating. Yeosang slowly got to his feet, dusting himself off as he did so. He picked up the arrow next to him and held it like a torch above his head. He began to make his way forward before stopping quickly as a lightbulb lit up in his head. He pulled an arrow out of his quiver, poking his finger at the pink arrowhead. He decided to test something, he took the arrow and scraped it against the concrete wall, holding up his small beacon of light to the wall right after. He saw a small pink mark on the wall, almost chalk-like. Yeosang quickly carved a large pink X into the wall before facing the dark hallway. There was darkness in front of him and behind him, but he felt more comfortable having the marked wall on his right side. Holding the light in his left hand and the charm arrow in his right he began his trek into the darkness, dragging the arrow against the wall the whole time, making sure the pink line was visible enough so he would know if he got turned around. He smirked at his genius idea and hoped the other members would be smart enough to do something similar.

He slowly made his way forward, not wanting to rush into possible danger. Though he had to have walked for two minutes without a single turn or any other pathway opening up. Things finally got interesting when he got to his first intersection, he had two options, to either go straight or severe his line and go to the left. He decided to do the more logical thing and keep straight, if he reached a dead end he would make his way back here eventually, though he wasn't really sure what the goal of the labyrinth was. Ariadne successfully split the members up, so what was her next goal? Was it to kill them? Or maybe capture them? Yeosang wasn't entirely sure, but he knew her motives weren't in good faith.

The son of Aphrodite was so lost in his own head he didn't realize he was approaching another intersection until his hand left the wall. This intersection went 4 ways, deciding to still keep his hand on the wall he went right. His arm was beginning to get tired of holding the Apollo arrow above his head so he let his arm fall to his side, revealing the floor of the intersection even more. He stopped dead in his take and knelt down to examine the symbol closely. It was a brown feather, the end of the feather looked razor sharp. Yeosang knew that the sharp feather was related to something Greek but he couldn't remember exactly what. So he burned the symbol into his memory before taking the right turn and continuing down the path

Yeosang made his way down the dark hallway, his only company being the sound of his own footsteps and the scrape of the arrowhead against the wall. The light that accompanied him provided him with a small sense of security, though he knew it wasn't likely to last. As he continued to walk he noticed a slight glint out of the corner of his eye. He knelt down towards the wire and examined it closer. He ran his finger over it lightly, applying no pressure to the write itself but he could feel how sharp the wire was. He took the arrow he had been using to drag against the wall to try and cut the wire but the concrete had made the arrowhead too dull to cut it successfully. So the son of Aphrodite pulled another arrow out of his quiver and went to slice through the wire, it still wasn't cutting. Yeosang leaned a little harder onto the wire, applying more pressure, and then with a snap the wire detached itself and wrapped itself around the arrow shaft, like a snake trying to suffocate its prey. He heard a click from somewhere behind the wall and at the same time the ceiling directly in front of Yeosang slammed down, narrowly missing him, he quickly fell backwards right onto his ass. The whole sequence of events happening in less than a second.

"Fuck" Yeosang muttered to himself. If he had been any closer he would have been completely crushed. He looked at the arrow wrapped in the sharp wire where he noticed some blood running down his thumb, he must've gotten slashed by the wire as it collapsed.

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