Chapter 35: Coronia Island

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Wooyoung's POV

Wooyoung was heartbroken that San left, but sadly he didn't have much time to mourn. They were already closing in on the island. Coronia Island, named after the mother of Asclepius, Coronis. The island was in the distance and Hongjoong already sent Seonghwa to scout ahead. Hongjoong was staring at his map which already had at least a dozen red dots on it signaling danger was ahead.

"Okay, Yeosang. I want you to go undercover and try and gain their trust, the less commotion, the better." Hongjoong ordered.

"You got it captain." Yeosang wandered down below deck, Wooyoung assumed it was to finish packing his bag. Suddenly there was a splash to the right of the boat, Hongjoong and Wooyoung turned to see Seonghwa emerging from the water.

"The way those shorts are clinging, they really don't leave anything to the imagination." Mingi mumbled next to Wooyoung. The son of Hades would still be in the doghouse if it was up to Wooyoung but they all have to work together, especially since they are down one member.

"What info do you have Hwa?" Hongjoong asked.

"The island is surrounded by sharp rocks, but it looks like a large lab, and there's probably even more underground. There were also guards, they looked armed but I couldn't tell what they were carrying. Not even sure if they were human to be honest. Had to leave before I got caught." Seonghwa explained.

"Well then let's get prepared for a fight. Everyone needs to be up here within the next three minutes." Hongjoong ordered before walking off.

Shortly after, all seven men were above deck watching the ship slow to a stop about a half-mile from the island. Hongjoong went to the front of the ship and pulled a lever, shortly after two smaller boats ejected from the side of the Illusion Wooyoung learned the boats were called tenders, because they tend the needs of the ship, as the dragonhead told them. Wooyoung, Hongjoong and Yunho were in one tender. Yeosang, Jongho, Mingi, and Seonghwa in the other. As they rowed away from the ship Hongjoong pressed a button on the side of the tender and the ship cloaked itself in a mist that only the members of the boat could see. After rowing for about twenty minutes and an extraordinary amount of complaining from Wooyoung, they arrived at rocks flat enough for them to climb onto. The members got out of their boats and stepped onto the rocks.

"Hongjoong, I'm going to be honest, I don't think I will be able to fight. I'm..." Wooyoung had his hands on his knees and was trying to catch his breath. "Absolutely exhausted."

"You're so dramatic, oh my God." Yeosang walked past Wooyoung laughing. The laugh was quickly cut short.

"Um... guys-" Yeosang said sharply.

"What?" Wooyoung turned around and looked up to see a bunch of armed guards aiming guns. The guard in the front turned to Yeosang with his weapon pointed.

"Guard 0615. What are you doing with these intruders?" The guard who was numbered 0309 asked.

"I'm sorry, 0309. I found them docked onto the island, while I was on my break. I am taking them in now." Yeosang responded, clearly easing up at the fact that his disguise was still working. The head guard's eyes hazed over, and then cleared back up. Almost as if Yeosang's magical disguise was implanting memories into the guards head so things would make sense.

"Come on, Yeosang, I'm just joking. I said you could call me Dimitri. Just cause I'm your boss doesn't mean I'm not your friend. Remember, we have a date this week." The head guard chuckled. "And good job. We have some new test subjects."

Dimitri climbed back up the rocks with Yeosang following, clearly trying to fall in line with his disguise. Wooyoung knew the charm from Yeosang's makeup was doing it's magic, which is why Yeosang has a "date." Wooyoung looked over at Jongho though who was clearly filled with rage. Before Jongho could react Dimitri held up a clenched fist. That signal was enough for the guards around him to aim their weapons, and fire.

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